5 July 2024 12:30 to 14:30 GMT +1
Room: Grande Auditòrio
Streaming: Auditório Ferreira de Almeida (B2.03) & Auditório Juan Mozzicafreddo (B2.04)
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The formation of nation-states was an uneven process, occurring as it did, at a time when the inequalities and inequities of colonialism and imperialism were played out through varieties of national and local bordering practices. In light of this, this close-plenary aims to explore the dynamic relationship between migrants, migration policies, the public discourse surrounding this topic, and the experiences and actions of migrants within host societies.
Ines Raimundo
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Eduardo Domenech
Olena Shelest-Szumilas
Poznan University of Economics and Business