Mary Boatemaa Setrana

Mary Boatemaa Setrana

Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana (Ghana)

Prof. Mary Boatemaa Setrana is an Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. She is the IDRC forced displacement chair for West Africa. Mary is also an Advisory Board member of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence on Migration & Mobility and the Centre for Forced Migration in Boston University, USA. She is currently the Program Affairs and Innovative Officer for the International Association of Forced Migration Conference Committee (IASFM). She is the country lead for the Link4Skills Horizon Europe funded by EU and a Core partner on two ARUA projects and a member of the consortium working on the following projects: Migration Decisions and the COVID-19 Pandemic project funded by Swiss Government; GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub, funded by UKRI. She has published in social inclusion, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migration Studies, International Migration, Journal of Development Studies, and African Studies Review among others. She has facilitated migration and other sectoral (labour and diaspora) policymaking in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi and Ghana. She is currently leading the evaluation of the Migration Policy Framework for the African Union.

2 July 2024 18:00 to 20:00 WEST
Opening plenary: Migration as Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn
Ettore Recchi

Ettore Recchi

Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS, France)

Ettore Recchi is Professor of Sociology in Sciences Po Paris, Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS). He is also part-time professor of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) of the European University Institute in Florence, where he coordinates the Global Mobilities Project (GMP). He has published more than 150 journal articles, book chapters, edited volumes and monographs. His papers feature in journals of migration studies (e.g., International Migration Review), sociology (e.g., European Sociological Review), political science (e.g., Journal of Common Market Studies), demography (e.g., Demographic Research), geography (e.g., Political Geography), global studies (e.g., Global Networks), economics (e.g., World Development), general science (e.g., Nature/Scientific Reports), and data science (e.g., EPJ Data Science). His latest book is the Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration (Elgar, 2024), coedited with Mirna Safi. Ettore’s core research agenda revolves around human mobility and the inequalities that go with it, that he investigates through micro- and macro-level empirical analyses.

2 July 2024 18:00 to 20:00 WEST
Opening plenary: Migration as Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn
Anna Amelina

Anna Amelina

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany)

Anna Amelina is Professor of Intercultural Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany). Her research areas in the field of sociology include critical-reflexive migration studies, sociology of knowledge production, gender and intersectionality, cross-border social inequalities, and studies of postcolonial and postsocialist relations. Among her monographs are Gender and Migration: Transnational and Intersectional Prospects (with H. Lutz; Routledge, paperback, 2020); Boundaries of European Social Citizenship: EU Citizens’ Transnational Social Security in Regulations, Discourses and Experiences (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer; Routledge, paperback 2021). She has also co-edited a number of special issues of journals, such as Ethnic and Racial Studies (2023, with K. Barglowski and B. Bilecen), Social Inclusion (2022, with E. Scheibelhofer and E. Carmel), Current Sociology (2021, with M. Boatcă, A. Weiß and G. Bongaerts). She currently co-leads of the centre on “Migration, Conflict and Social Change” at BTU Cottbus (

2 July 2024 18:00 to 20:00 WEST
Opening plenary: Migration as Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn
Janine Dahinden

Janine Dahinden

University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

Janine Dahinden is Professor of Transnational Studies, director of the MAPS (Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux) and project leader in the nccr-on the move, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. She is interested in understanding (de)migraticization, mobility, transnationalisation and boundary making, and their concomitant production of inequalities that are related to ethnicity, race, class, and gender. As such her research contributes to three domains: Reflexivities and knowledge production in migration studies, the social organization of 'difference' and mobility studies. She is the co-director of the Standing Committee of “Reflexivities in migration studies” of IMISCOE.

3 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 WEST
Semi-plenary: Reflexivity and Intersectionality: complexifying the migration debate
Gioconda Herrera

Gioconda Herrera

Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Ecuador (Ecuador)

Gioconda Herrera is Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Ecuador. She has contributed to debates about migration, gender and intersectionality, transnational families, migration and development in Latin America. Her latest publications include Migration in South America, with Carmen Gómez (Springer-IMISCOE, 2022) and Movilidades, control migratorio y luchas migrantes, with Eduardo Domenech and Liliana Rivera (Editorial Siglo XXI and CLACSO, 2022) and  the article “Emotions, Inequalities and Crises: Ecuadorian Migrants in Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic”,  International Migration, 2022) Gioconda Herrera was president of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) between 2020-2021.

3 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 WEST
Semi-plenary: Reflexivity and Intersectionality: complexifying the migration debate
Emellin de Oliveira

Emellin de Oliveira

Research Centre on Law and Society

Emellin de Oliveira is a Researcher at the Research Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law), Coordinator and Lecturer of the Postgraduate Course in Immigration and Nationality Law (Jurisnova & NOVA School of Law), Guest Lecturer at the University of Coimbra (European Studies) and PhD candidate at NOVA School of Law. She is also a registered lawyer, working mainly on immigration, asylum and human rights cases.
In addition, Emellin is a member of the "International Migration and International Law Committee" of the International Law Association, representing the Portuguese Society of International Law, and she is part of the MoveS network, as a national expert (Portugal) in intra-EU mobility. Since February 2022, she has been on the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA, formerly EASO) List of Experts.
Emellin is a Co-founder and Executive Coordinator of the NOVA Asylum Policy Lab (NOVA FCSH) and a member of the Observatory of Personal Data Protection (NOVA School of Law), where she is in charge of the "Digital Borders - Data Protection, Surveillance and Third Country Nationals in EU" Research Line activities.
Her research interests focus on migration, asylum, databases for third-country nationals, security, border control and human rights.

3 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 WEST
Semi-plenary: Reflexivity and Intersectionality: complexifying the migration debate
Russell King

Russell King

University of Sussex (UK)

Russell King is Emeritus Professor of Geography at the University of Sussex and Visiting Professor in Migration Studies at Malmö University. He has been teaching, researching and writing about migration for fifty years. His research covers many forms of migration, including labour migration, international student mobility, retirement migration, brain drain and return migration. Most of his work has been on Europe, especially Southern Europe and the Balkans. At Sussex in the late 1990s he founded the Sussex Centre for Migration Research and its MA and PhD programmes in Migration Studies. Among his recent books are Young EU Migrants in London in the Transition to Brexit (Routledge 2022, co-authored with Aija Lulle and Laura Moroşanu), Handbook of Return Migration (Edward Elgar 2022, co-edited with Katie Kuschminder), Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism (Springer 2023, co-edited with Jill Ahrens), and Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times (Springer 2023, co-edited with Mari-Liis Jakobson, Laura Moroşanu and Raivo Vetik).

4 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 WEST
Semi-plenary: Reflexivity, discourses and practices: old challenges and new perspectives in the migration field
Maruja MB Asis

Maruja MB Asis

Scalabrini Migration Center (Philippines)

Maruja MB Asis is Director of the Scalabrini Migration Center (Philippines) and Editor of the Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. She is a sociologist with more than 30 years of experience researching international migration and social transformation with a special focus on the Asian region. Her research and publications explore the themes of gender, family and migration; migration and development; and migration governance. She has served as a member of various expert groups, advisory committees and scientific committees on policy, research and advocacy issues related to international migration.

4 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 WEST
Semi-plenary: Reflexivity, discourses and practices: old challenges and new perspectives in the migration field
Inês Raimundo

Inês Raimundo

Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique)

Inês Raimundo is an Associate Professor of Human Geography and employed by Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique, as a lecturer and researcher. Raimundo holds a PhD in Forced Migration and a Master in Human Geography from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and a Degree (Licenciatura) in Geography by Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. Her scholarship makes her a leading policy expert on linkages of forced movements, food insecurity, gender, poverty, environmental refugees, and informality in southern Africa. Currently Raimundo is coordinating the Migration for African Inclusive Project (MIAG), the South-South Migration and Migrant Food Insecurity: Intersections Impacts, and Remedies (MIFood Project) and Fragility, Conflict and Migration at Eduardo Mondlane University. Her most recent work published on migration is Migration in Maputo City and Ethnic Cohesion among Africans. In Local Self-Governance in Antiquity and in the Global South.

5 July 2024 12:30 to 14:30 WEST
Closing plenary: Closing: Reflexivity and migration policies: building categories, borders and subjects
Eduardo Domenech

Eduardo Domenech

National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina)

Eduardo Domenech is researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and professor at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Currently, he is the director of the research program "Critical Latin American Migration and Border Studies" at the Center for Advanced Studies (CEA-FCS-UNC). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Salamanca, Spain. He was a member and coordinator of CLACSO's "Migration, Culture and Policies" Working Group. He studies the transformation of migration and border control policies and practices in South America from a critical, historical and multi-scale perspective. As co-editor, he recently published the book Movilidades, control fronterizo y luchas migrantes (CLACSO / Siglo Veintiuno México, 2022). Website:

5 July 2024 12:30 to 14:30 WEST
Closing plenary: Closing: Reflexivity and migration policies: building categories, borders and subjects
Olena Shelest-Szumilas

Olena Shelest-Szumilas

Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)

Olena Shelest-Szumilas, PhD, assistant professor at the Department of Education and Personnel Development at Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland). Her current research interests focus on migration and integration, as well as the labor market. She is an author and co-author of publications and research reports on the risk of investing in human capital, young people’s competencies for the future, and the situation of migrants in the labor market. Olena collaborates with labor market institutions and local governments. Since December 2022, she has been serving as the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment. Since June 2023, she has been a member of the Council for Migrant Integration at the Municipality Office Office of Poznań.

5 July 2024 12:30 to 14:30 WEST
Closing plenary: Closing: Reflexivity and migration policies: building categories, borders and subjects