
Closing plenary: Science as a profession, activism, and imaginaries

4 July 2025 12:30 to 14:30 CEST
Chair: Camille Schmoll

In recent years, migration research has undergone a critical evolution, shaping new scientific imaginaries and practices. This shift can be understood as a form of decentering, as research increasingly moves beyond the walls of academia. It is characterized by the emergence of new topics, the adoption of innovative methodologies—creative, participatory—and the forging of renewed alliances between academia and society. This transformation calls into question the role of research as both a profession and an expertise, while its relationships with activism, advocacy, and social change are being redefined. In an increasingly brutal world, what role can researchers play? On which alliances can they rely? How can research attune itself to the challenges and upheavals of the present?


Experts mentioned

Camille Schmoll

Chowra Makaremi

Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel

University of Campinas, Brazil

Abdourahmane Seck

Janine Dahinden

University of Neuchâtel , Switzerland