2 July 2025 13:20 to 14:50 CEST
Marie-caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky
This plenary will explore how migration policies and practices shape experiences of bodily harm, illness, and mortality, while addressing the health inequities faced by migrants. By tackling these critical themes, the session aims to foster a deeper understanding of the existential and corporeal dimensions of migration and their broader societal impacts. The panel brings together three distinguished experts: Amrita Pande, who will discuss reproductive mobility and repro-genetic justice, and Didier Fassin and Jean-François Corty, both physicians, who will share their extensive expertise in health inequalities and humanitarian work with migrants. Through a decentered and pluralistic lens, as well as methodologies bridging research and field action, the plenary will challenge dominant Western paradigms.
- Amrita Pande
- Didier Fassin
- Jean-François Corty