
Semi-Plenary: Reflexivity and Intersectionality: complexifying the migration debate

3 July 2024 13:15 to 14:45 GMT +1
Room: Grande Auditòrio
Streaming: Auditório Ferreira de Almeida (B2.03) & Auditório Juan Mozzicafreddo (B2.04)
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The social construction of migration intersects other topics of social research such as gender, class, race and ethnicity, identity, and ideology. Building upon the intersectional character of migration research, this semi-plenary aim is to contribute to the theoretical understanding and empirical study of the processes of the social construction of migration and their impact on social reality.

Janine Dahinden

Janine Dahinden

University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Gioconda Herrera

Gioconda Herrera

FLACSO, Ecuador

Emellin de Oliveira

Emellin De Oliveira

Research Centre on Law and Society