
Semi-Plenary: Reflexivity, discourses and practices: old challenges and new perspectives in the migration field

4 July 2024 13:15 to 14:15 GMT +1
Room: Grande Auditòrio
Streaming: Auditório Ferreira de Almeida (B2.03) & Auditório Juan Mozzicafreddo (B2.04)
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Building on the ontological and conceptual reflections known as the reflexive turn in current migration research, this semi-plenary aims to discuss how a number of categories, distinctions and hierarchies between citizens and foreigners, nationals and non-nationals, “we” and “others” has been constructed within the migration field and its impact on the academic and policymaking  discourses and practices in the field.

Russell King

Russell King

University of Sussex

Maruja MB Asis

Maruja Asis

Scalabrini Migration Center