The Executive Board supervises and advises the work of the coordinator and the Network Office and prepares meetings and decisions of the Board of Directors. The members of the Executive Board are nominated by the Board of Directors.

Prof. Parvati Raghuram (Chair Executive Board)
OU, London, UK

Prof. Jean-Michel Lafleur (IMISCOE Coordinator)
CEDEM, University of Liège, Belgium

Dr. Daniela Vintila (IMISCOE Associate Coordinator & Senior Network Officer)
CEDEM, University of Liège, Belgium

Dr. Wiebke Sievers (Chair Board of Directors)
ISR, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Òscar Prieto-Flores (Vice-chair Board of Directors)
University of Girona, Spain

Dr. Özge Bilgili
ERCOMER, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Prof. Ahmet İçduygu
MireKoc, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Eleonor Kofman
University of Middlesex, London, United Kingdom

Prof. Paul Long
MMIC (Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Sarah Scuzzarello
SCMR (Sussex Center for Migration Research), University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom

Dr. Gorka Urrutia Asua
DEUSTO, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain