Race, Racism and Discrimination

The SC Race, racism and discrimination (RACED) will be a forum for researchers to engage in interdisciplinary conversations with an ambition to more adequately conceptualize and empirically study racial inequalities and racial exclusion, and to epistemologically and institutionally contribute to racial equity and justice. Starting from the assumption that racial inequalities are globalized and can be found in all societies in the world, the SC RACED aims at scientifically address race, racism and discrimination in migration studies as follows:

  1. in a multi-temporal perspective to catch the past still living in specific distinctive racial frames, mechanisms, dynamics and events of our time;

  2. by acknowledging that social relations and practices based on racial distinctions are embedded in a system that even unwittingly reproduce the racial frame and renew mechanisms of racialization;

  3. by considering different forms of racism (systemic, structural, institutional, collective and individual, intentional and unintentional, manifest and subtle), racial frames and mechanisms at different social scales (micro-meso-macro level), with the ambition to investigate and understand the role race, racism and discrimination play in social dynamics;

  4. by acknowledging that the constitution of whiteness connected to the white privilege contributed to the conception of the very category of ‘migrants’ as a racialized category, intertangled so far with that of race. In this sense, we see the urgence of an epistemological work on the categories used in migration studies and their meanings.

Call for members is open continuously: Register for membership  

Names of Chairs

Patrick Simon

INED, France

Sayaka Osanami Törngren

Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Sweden

Names of Coordinators

Valentina Di Stasio

European University Institute, Italy


Guia Gilardoni

Catholic University, Italy

Marcel Maussen

Sayaka Osanami Törngren

Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Sweden

Nina Sahraoui

Patrick Simon

INED, France

PhD Representatives


Shahab Mirbabaei  

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Eduardo Campbell-Bethancourt  

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Doris Niragire  

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Asia Della Rosa  

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Experts mentioned

Shahab Mirbabaei

Sociology, Sweden

Eduardo Campbell-Bethancourt

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Doris Niragire

Asia Della Rosa

Jönköping University Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Sweden


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