
Various of IMISCOE’s core activities are organized in task-specific committees.

Committee on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEIC)

IMISCOE’s Executive Committee on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEIC) was created in 2022. Its main aim is to develop and propose to the IMISCOE Coordinators, the Executive Board, and the Board of the Directors policies and practices that will ensure IMISCOE’s commitment of being antiracist and inclusive. DEIC also advises on how to increase the participation of under-represented groups, especially racialized groups, in all IMISCOE activities, including those related to research and teaching, communications, networking and membership of the Network’s governance bodies and committees.
Members of DEIC:

  • Anders Neergaard (DEIC Chair), Linköping University (REMESO)
  • Guia Gilardoni (DEIC Vice-Chair)), ISMU Foundation
  • Marshia Akbar, Toronto Metropolitan University (CERC)
  • Adham Aly, Erasmus University Rotterdam (DPAS)
  • Nir Cohen, Bar Ilan University
  • Jelena Džankić, European University Institute (EUI)
  • Thais França, Lisbon University Institute (Cies-Iscte)
  • Marco Martiniello, University of Liège (CEDEM)
  • Zeynep Sahin Menkütek, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC)

Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee guarantees the quality of the IMISCOE publications and herein reviews submitted publications and advises on the structure of the IMISCOE publication program.

Elections Committee

The main task of the IMISCOE Executive Committee on Elections is to manage and ensure the fairness and transparency of all elections taking place in the IMISCOE Network, including that of the IMISCOE Coordinator.

The Committee members were appointed in 2023 by the IMISCOE Executive Board. Throughout the year, they prepared and organized the elections for the host institution of the 2025 IMISCOE Spring Conference, while also advising on the procedures to be followed for the election of the members of different IMISCOE governance bodies.   

Members of the Elections Committee:

  • Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero, Casa Grande University, Ecuador
  • Sorina Soare, University of Florence, Italy
  • Verena Wisthaler, EURAC Research, Italy

External Affairs Committee

The External Affairs Committee defines policies concerning IMISCOE’s external relations, in particular relations to the broader social, policy and political environment. The coordinator of the External Affairs Committee is responsible in chairing all the face-to-face and virtual meetings. Herein, the coordination of the implementation of the recommendations also happen. The coordinator also manages the EAC-agenda, represents the EAC at the BD, and is in permanent contact with the IMISCOE director.

Members External Affairs Committee:

  • Ricard Zapata-Barrero (EAC Chair), GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Asya Pisarevskaya, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Albert Kraler, Center for Migration and Globalisation Research, Krems, Austria
  • Raquel Matias, CIES-ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ibrahim Awad, American University El Cairo (new member since April 2024), Egypt
  • Verena Wisthaler, EURAC (new member since April 2024), Italy
  • Ingrid R.os, Casa Grande University (new member since April 2024), Ecuador

Financial Committee

The Finance Committee of IMISCOE serves as the Network’s auditing committee. As Coordinating Institute of IMISCOE, the University of Liège administers the finances of the Network. The task of the Finance Committee is to review IMISCOE’s finances and advise the Coordinator and the Board of Directors on financial matters. The members of the Finance Committee are appointed by the Executive Board of IMISCOE. 
Members of the Finance Committee: 

·       Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Centre of Migration Research (CMR), University of Warsaw, Poland
·       Veronika Bilger, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Austria.

PhD Network

The IMISCOE PhD Network serves as a bridge between the broader community of PhD students worldwide and IMISCOE. The PhD Network Board oversees activities involving PhD candidates in the IMISCOE Network and acts as a coordinator and collaborator, working closely with the IMISCOE Network Office, the IMISCOE PhD Academy and the Standing Committees. 

Members of the PhD Network 

Training Committee

The training committee groups together a number of key activities related to PhD and MA/MSc level training, including the PhD Committee, EuMIGS and the organization of PhD summer schools.

Members Training Committee

  • Marta Bivand Erdal (Training Committee Chair), Peace Research Institute Oslo
  • Mateusz Krawczyk (PhD Network representative), University of Wrocław
  • Alice Fill (PhD Network representative)- Ecole Normale Supérieure; St Anna Pisa
  • Nomkhosi Mbatha, University of the Western Cape
  • Saleh Seid Adem, University of Cologne
  • Thais França, CIES-ISCTE
  • Cosmin Nada, University of Porto
  • Emmaleena Käkelä, University of Strathclyde
  • Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University London,
  • Laura Morales, Spanish National Research Centre, CSIC.

Award Committee

Finally, there are several committees specifically for IMISCOE Awards, including Maria Baganha PhD Award committee, and the Rinus Penninx Best Paper award committee.

Maria Baganha PhD Thesis Award Committee

  • Dr. Rosa Aparicio Gómez, IEM, Spain (Chair)
  • Dr. Pawel Kaczmarczyk, CMR, Poland
  • Prof. Russell King, SCMR, UK
  • Dr. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Prof. Endre Sik, TÁRKI, Hungary
  • Dr. Julie Vullnetari (University of Southampton)
  • Prof. Giuseppe Sciortino (University of Trento, Italy)

Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award Committee

  • Prof. Rinus Penninx, University of Amsterdam (Chair)
  • Dr. Deniz Şenol Sert, Özyeğin University, Turkey
  • Prof. Laura Oso, Universidade da Coruña
  • Pedro Gois, University of Coimbra
  • Dr. Jens Schneider, Univeristy of Osnabruck
  • Dr. Marta Bivand Erdal, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO
  • Dr. Joaquin Eguren, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Dr. Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Universitat Pompeu Fabra