IMISCOE Bulletin

IMISCOE Bulletin is a dissemination channel collecting and sharing the selection of the accumulated knowledge produced by IMISCOE Board of Directors' members.

Welcome to the 9th edition of the IMISCOE Bulletin! This issue is released right before the opening of our 2024...
Editorial by Mary Boatemaa Setrana
African migration narratives presented in daily discourses have focused on the negative aspects of migration, such as...
Announcement of the Annual Report 2023
Reflections from Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila, IMISCOE Coordinators at the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Liège
The IMISCOE Network Office is happy to inform you that the 2023 Annual Report is now available. You can read it in...

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A chat with
About the 2024 IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon
We sat with with Thais França and João Miguel de Carvalho to discuss about the forthcoming Annual Conference in Lisbon...

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In the spotlight
The first IMISCOE Member Institute in the US
The Center on Forced Displacement (CFD) at Boston University fosters interdisciplinary research and engagement with...
PhD Network
Since our embarkment on the umbrella theme “questioning the unquestionable” in the academic year 2022-2023, we each...
In the spotlight
IMISCOE provides a platform for scholars throughout the world to get together, initiate comparative research and...
Source: The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education, 2022
PhD Academy
On April 23 2024, the IMISCOE PhD Academy hosted an online session focused on "Wellbeing and resilience during the PhD...
Meet the researcher and photographer Kemal Vural Tarlan
Kemal Vural Tarlan has been conducting visual sociology and anthropology research among Dom Gypsies communities living...
The Migration Podcast
The IMISCOE Migration Podcast is wrapping up season 4. After a restructuring last year, our team became bigger and...
This edition of the IMISCOE Bulletin is released right before the 2024 IMISCOE Spring Conference hosted by the...

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Editorial by Jan Willem Duyvendak
In years to come, the past decade will be characterized as one of revolt against liberalism. With the election of...
In the spotlight
Race, Racism and Discrimination
The long awaited SC RACED (Race, Racism and Discrimination) has been created in July 2023 to make visible the emerging...

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A chat with
About the 2024 IMISCOE Spring Conference in Istanbul and online
We sat with Ahmet İçduygu to discuss about the forthcoming Spring Conference in Istanbul and online

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In the spotlight
The first IMISCOE Member Institute in Latin America
We sat with Ingrid Ríos and Sebastián Umpierrez de Reguero to discuss the migration research conducted at Casa Grande...

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PhD Academy
With a PhD on migration, what sets my expertise apart?

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PhD Network
Questioning the unquestionable: the one about “failure”

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In the spotlight
IMISCOE, the world's largest network focusing on migration and diversity, is proud to have an official book series....

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Welcome to the seventh edition of the IMISCOE Bulletin! This issue is released right before the opening of our 20th...

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Editorial by Laavanya Kathiravelu, Associate Professor at the School of Social Sciences from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

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Announcement of the Annual Report
The IMISCOE Network Office is happy to inform you that the 2022 Activity Report is now available. pdf You can read it...

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Parvati Raghuram (Chair of the Executive Board) and Wiebke Sievers (Chair of the Board of Directors) reflect on the...

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When asked, most researchers in any discipline will agree that science and research outputs should be open to all,...

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A chat with
About the Warsaw Annual Conference
We sat with Paweł Kaczmarczyk to discuss 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference that will take place in University of Warsaw...

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A chat with
IMISCOE Junior Network Officer
We sat with Angeliki Konstantinidou to get to know her better. Angeliki is a Political Scientist specializing in...

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The Migration Podcast
The Migration Podcast is an initiative by the IMISCOE network, exploring migration and mobility research globally. It...

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PhD Network
Buddy & Questioning Unquestionable
The first year of the IMISCOE PhD Buddy System is ending and we look back with gratitude on a wonderful year.

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In the spotlight
IMISCOE provides a platform for scholars throughout the world to get together, initiate comparative research and...

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In the spotlight
IMISCOE, the world's largest network focusing on migration and diversity, is proud to have an official book series....

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Welcome to the sixth edition of the IMISCOE Bulletin! This issue is released right before the opening of our 2023...

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Editorial by Cristina Mas, senior world editor, focused on Migrations in the Mediterranean at ARA newspaper

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A chat with
Reflections on the Post-earthquake Mobilities in Turkey: An interview
Ahmet İçduygu is a full professor at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey, with appointments in both the Department of...

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A chat with
About the 2023 IMISCOE Spring Conference: “Postcolonial migrations- heritages, specificities, mobilizations”
We sat with Yvan Gastaut to discuss 2023 IMISCOE Spring Conference that will take place in University of Côte d’Azur...

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In the spotlight
Gender & Migration
On the occasion of International Women's Month, check out the Imiscoe Springer Social Sciences books in the field of...

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The IMISCOE PhD Academy is now well into its second year of running – with two cohorts of members, simultaneously...

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Editorial by Franck Düvell
What war and displacement in Ukraine mean for migration studies

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IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) wants to express its deep concern about lives in Ukraine.

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A chat with
About the Oslo Annual Conference
We sat with Ida Tolgensbakk and Justyna Bell to discuss the long-awaited 19th Annual conference that will take place...

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‘Introduction to Migration Studies’ has been published! This new volume does not only bring together work on key...
The Voice of an Artist
Research around migration and the arts has abundantly demonstrated how music can help immigrants mobilize and raise...

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To kickstart our new series of episodes, we invited Steven Vertovec to speak about ways of studying and understanding...

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What a time it has been since we started this Bulletin journey! Every opening is an exciting moment for us here at...

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Migration Studies, Colonialism, and Coloniality
In migration scholarship, colonialism has been in the air for a while. Since the “refugee crisis” of 2015, migrants...

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A chat with
We sat down to interview Melissa Siegel back in November and this is one is a gem, one of those you had in the volt...

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In the spotlight
44 Opinions
‘Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions’ is a book with 44 thought-provoking opinion pieces from more than 80 VUB...

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Reflections of an early-career migration researcher
How do we as migration researchers produce knowledge about hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations on the move?

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A chat with
An Interview with Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila (CEDEM)
IMISCOE is delighted to announce its new co-ordinating institute as of next year, the University of Liège’s Centre for...

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As we look back at this first year of the IMISCOE Bulletin we are proud of this project thus far and we are looking...

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Imiscoe Network Office
Dear colleagues and friends, After 6 years working for IMISCOE, I am now saying goodbye to this great academic...

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A lot to show for this third and conclusive issue of 2020. This call yielded incredible success amongst our 56 member...

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A chat with
Today we sit down with Professor Marlou Schrover, from Leiden University where she is full time professor in Economic...

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Position statement written by Andrew Geddes

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PhD Network
“Learning from Covid-related disruptions”

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Over the last forty years, researchers in the Field of Migration and Ethnic Studies looked at the integration of...

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Welcome all to the second edition of the IMISCOE Bulletin! In these peculiar times we are living, we hope you are all...

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Turning Crisis into an Opportunity for more Equitable Migration Governance. Earlier this year, countries across the...

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In the times of editing this Bulletin, the World has been going through yet again another turmoil. The death of George...

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Professor Emerita Martha Montero-Sieburth shares her view on mentoring in Academia
“IMISCOE PhD Network” will be a section reserved indeed to the PhD network. Here they will periodically provide the...
Domiziana Turcatti, PhD Candidate

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More on Covid-19 and migration? Our community has already been very proactive.

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This edition’s spotlight focuses on ReSOMA who will take us on a tour of their work focused on the interaction between...

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A chat with
A series of talks with different figures from and around IMISCOE.
We are now celebrating 15 years of history of IMISCOE. In order to do so we wanted to engage with some of the...
Adham Aly

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The “Vitrine” is a section that wraps up every Bulletin. This is a space dedicated for any member institute or people...

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The new IMISCOE website and the IMISCOE Bulletin will provide a new online presence of our research network. However,...
IMISCOE - Coordinator

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We are thrilled to announce that Europe’s largest network in the area of migration and integration will take place on...

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A chat with
A series of talks with different figures from and around IMISCOE.
We are now celebrating 15 years of history of IMISCOE. In order to do so we wanted to engage with some of the...
IMISCOE - Director

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Unfortunately, the COVID19 crisis has had implications for the organization of our 2020 annual conference. The...

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A deep dive in one of IMISCOE’s latest led project.
The Horizon 2020 project, CrossMigration, led by IMISCOE, has been running since March 2018 and will come to an end on...

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Road to Nowhere - 2015 - Fintan Magee
The “Vitrine” is a section that will wrap up every Bulletin issue moving forward. This is a space dedicated for any...

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IMISCOE encourages scholars from the network to explore new opportunities for research, collaboration and...

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IMISCOE celebrates now 15 years of its history and amongst the many goals we’ve constantly strived for, continuous...

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Editorial Committee: Erasmus University Rotterdam Coordination: Ricard Zapata-Barrero, GRITIM-UPF, Barcelona IMISCOE...