Season 5 of the IMISCOE Migration Podcast has just started! We had a short break to renew the format of the episodes.
If you are new to the IMISCOE Migration Podcast, it is a platform for migration scholars to speak about their projects, ideas and insights. This is a podcast by the research community for everyone interested in knowing more about academic research on migration. As in the past seasons, we have an amazing team of interviewers who are migration scholars themselves. In this new format, we talk to at least two scholars to hear and discuss their diverse perspectives on similar team.
Listen to the first Season 5 episode “Dublin, solidarity and age. How do these factors matter in the EU asylum system?”at our website, Sound Cloud and Spotify! The conversation you'll hear is about concepts in migration governance that are often taken for granted – but when you dig a bit deeper, or wider, like the researchers in this episode have done, it’s clear that not everyone has the same idea of what they really mean or their implications in practice. You’ll hear Liberty Chee speaking to Eleonora Milazzo, who has been working on what exactly “solidarity” means between European Union Member States when it comes to the asylum system. We may have a sense that so far, it’s been “failing”, but what does solidarity really mean in practice? Ulrike Bialas also joins the conversation, to talk about her research on how age classification determines the lives of young asylum seekers in Germany. How do they experience this legal focus on age, especially when many do not actually have documents that can prove their date of birth and may not know them, anyways.
Also, remember to check out the four previous seasons, perhaps you can find some listening material for your students or some inspiration for a new research idea. Stay tuned about the latest migration research around the world!