IMISCOE Research Activities

News from IMISCOE Standing Committees

17 February 2025

SC Gender and Sexuality in Migration Research (GenSeM)

The SC GenSeM has been organising several joint events with the SCMR at Sussex (all hybrid), as part of the Spring seminar series. These include:

  1. Wed Feb 12 – Phillippe Ayoub (UCL, London), The Global Fight Against LGBTI Rights: How Transnational Conservative Networks Target Sexual and Gender Minorities
  2. Wed Feb 26 – Asta Sofie S. Jarlner (Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law, Copenhagen), Exploring Asylum Decision Making Through Machine Learning
  3. Tuesday March 11 - Unpacking SOGIESC asylum in an age of hostility - a roundtable: Catherine Jacquiss (One Pump Chambers/Manchester MU) "Lawyerly navigation of hostility in LGBTQIA+ claims – resistance, conformity and mitigation of risk"; Allan Briddock (One Pump Chambers) "The return to concealment in LGBTQIA+ refugee claims"; Nuno Ferreira (SCMR) "Queer Iranians seeking protection in Turkey, the UK and Canada"; Sarah Scuzzarello (SCMR) discussant.

In collaboration with the Forced Migration Standing Committee, GenSeM will also organise an ECR workshop on Intersectional Migration Research at the 2025 IMISCOE Annual Conference in Paris. This builds on an activity organized at Sussex by Laura Morosanu and Gökçe Yurdakul, who was Visiting Professor at Sussex, and involves other GenSeM and Forced Migration SC colleagues. The call attracted a high level of interest, and some very strong applicants were selected for participation. The event is part of a mentorship scheme for early career researchers (ECRs), which aims to offer:

  • collegial networking opportunities with peers and with senior scholars;
  • opportunities to co-organise a workshop at the IMISCOE Annual Conference and present their original research there; and
  • conversations with a senior IMISCOE scholar about how to develop the conference paper into an article of publishable quality.

Nisha Zadhy-Cepoglu (UCL), recipient of our seed-corn funding award in 2023, will present her research on 14 May 2025, as part of our Migration Dialogue series.

SC Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation (MIGCITPOL): 

Over the last year, SC MIGCITPOL worked on two publications. One is an article collection entitled “Citizenship Policy: From Paper to Practice: Global Perspectives on the Implementation Gap”, edited by the MIGCITPOL co-coordinators Luicy Pedroza and Jean-Thomas Arrighi. In January 2025, this collection was published in Comparative Migration Studies, fully in Open Access. A second special issue is in progress, entitled “Migration Crisis with Adjectives: Towards a New Conceptualization & Assessment of Institutional Responses to Migration Crises across World Regions” edited by MIGCITPOL co-coordinator Ana Margheritis. It will be published in the Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies in 2025.

  • In January 2025, SC MIGCITPOL released a call to recruit a new PhD representative, who will be actively involved in revamping our communication and diffusion activities in social networks and relaunching our Online Café under a new format in March/April.
  • The SC is currently planning the organization of the MIGCITPOL 2025 SC Annual Workshop. Details to be announced soon.
  • The SC MIGCITPOL arrived to the digital social network BlueSky! Find us as

SC Reflexivities in Migration Studies

In May 2025, the SC Reflexivities will hold a workshop in Warsaw (Poland) to discuss the future pathways of the Standing Committee. The SC was created with the goal to advance reflexive approaches in migration studies. During the past years, we have witnessed an increasing importance of those reflexive approaches, as well as a broadening of the field, also visible in the general theme of IMISCOE's Annual Conference 2024 with its focus on the reflexive turn in migration research. With these observations as a starting point, the governing board of the SC will meet up with critical friends during a two-day workshop to reflect on the committee's achievements and explore future trajectories for reflexivity in migration research. Stay tuned for more information on this discussion, at best through subscribing to our newsletter!

Moreover, the SC hosts the "Online Writing Retreat on Reflexivities in Migration Studies" for people working on a project in the field of migration studies and who seek a supportive and collaborative space to boost their writing productivity. This online writing retreat offers a unique opportunity for researchers, scholars, and students to come together and engage in focused writing sessions. Key Features are a 24/7 Online Space, Weekly Online Sessions, Once a month Sessions with extended inputs focusing on topics such as writing support, tools, and materials, and Resource Sharing through an exclusive online material sharing platform. If you are interested in participating, simply contact Paul (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Orsolya (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

In addition, the Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. IV (Winter 2024) is a collaborative platform where early-career researchers can present their work, exchange feedback, debate methodological and theoretical challenges, and expand their networks with peers interested in reflexive migration research. This is a supportive environment for young scholars eager to explore alternative research approaches, mindful of the power dynamics in knowledge production about migration and striving to de-nationalize and de-migranticize studies of mobility and diversity. PhDs and early-career researchers contributing to Reflexivities in Migration Studies are warmly invited to express their interest in presenting, discussing, or participating in other capacities in our online sessions. For information on how to participate, please contact Paul (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Subscribe to the SC Reflexivities Newsletter via this link: The purpose of the newsletter is to share the latest activities of SC Reflexivities in Migration Studies, as well as relevant publications, events, academic jobs and other news from within and beyond the standing committee. 

SC Migration, Migrants and Labour Markets (IILME)

SC IILME, together with SC RACED and the Work and Equalities Institutewill organize a workshop titled "The silence around “race” in the discourse of equality and inclusion in the labour market"

This workshop aims at discussing the “silence” around race with specific reference to the labour market, by looking at how it emerges, is structured and “justified” in different national and organizational contexts. The aim is to underline how policies and practices related to equality in the labour market are embedded in specific historical, institutional and social traditions, including the presence of activism and social movements. These specific configurations affect the framing of equality across countries, and the specific way “race” is silenced, against the supposedly “homogenizing” effect of the international transferring of “business” practices. The workshop involves a series of theoretical and empirical interventions by expert scholars and a discussion of comparative findings of an ESRC-funded research on the politics of equality across countries (UK, France, Spain, and the Netherlands) carried out by scholars of the University of Manchester (Work and Equalities Institutes) and Grenoble. 

The workshop is the result of a collaboration between SC IILME, SC RACED and the Work and Equalities Institute of the University of Manchester. It will be held on-line on 28 March, 2.00-4.00 pm CET. Stay tuned!

SC Race, Racism and Discrimination (RACED)

The SC RACED was established in July 2023 to highlight the emerging and dynamic field of research on race, racism, and discrimination within IMISCOE. This Standing Committee aims to structure research on these topics among IMISCOE members while fostering dialogue and partnership within the scientific community. Today, the SC has 183 registered members. The SC is continuously accepting new members and has also reached out to non-members who chose to present through SC RACED at the IMISCOE Annual Conference. Please fill in the form here to become a member. SC RACED also launched a LinkedIn page in November, which everyone is welcome to follow here.

Announcement from SC RACED PhD network: The SC RACED PhD Network has been very active. Last November, the SC conducted a thematic reading of the article "What Does It Mean to 'Go Beyond Race'?" by Sayaka Osanami Törngren and Karen Suyemoto. The network aims to organize its next thematic reading online on March 13th from 15:00 to 17:00 CET. In addition to the online event, the SC RACED are also coordinating an in-person social event during the IMISCOE Annual Conference in Paris. Stay tuned! The goal is to create a space for early-career researchers to discuss relevant research topics centered on race and discrimination. The SC also want to provide an informal space to share opportunities such as grants, scholarships, calls for papers, and workshops. To facilitate this, the SC has a WhatsApp group for members who want to be part of this space as well.

Upcoming events in 2025:

  • Webinar on the 28th of March: The silence around “race” in the discourse of equality and inclusion in the labour market. The workshop is the result of a collaboration between SC IILME and SC RACED and will be hosted by the Work and Equalities Institute of the University of Manchester. More information will be circulated through both IILME and RACED communication channels and through IMISCOE website.
  • SC RACED will also organize an in-person conference in November 2025 on cross sectoral and interdisciplinary symposium on addressing race and racism to tackle structural racism.
  • The SC is also happy to confirm that an in-person conference is planned in Malmö, Sweden which will be a joint conference between SC RACED and the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, co-financed by Center for Modern European Studies. More details and information will be circulated before summer.

SC Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change

The SC DIVCULT is organizing a two days workshop on 24-26 March 2025 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Vienna, Austria. The workshop will include several parts:

  • Three sessions focusing on postmigration, including one keynote (organised by Michael Parzer and Wiebke Sievers)
  • One session organised by the DIVCULT PhD students focusing on arts, culture and migration (organised by Joanna Jurkiewicz and Diana Duarte Bernal)
  • Four sessions focusing on festivals (organised by Ivana Rapoš Božič, Mark Simon, Joanna Jurkiewicz)
  • A general meeting of DIVCULT members (organised by Marco Martiniello, Wiebke Sievers, and Elsa Mescoli)

SC Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research

The SC Meth@Mig is organizing, together with the Centre of Migration Research at University of Warsaw, and Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach project (MultiData, funded by National Science Centre, Poland, grant ID 2020/37/B/HS4/01350) at Kozminski University,  a workshop on data visualisation in migration research for doctoral students and early-career researchers. The workshop will deal with the basics of data visualisation. In migration research, visual representations of data play a crucial role in communicating findings. However, creating effective visualizations requires more than just plotting data - it demands an understanding of visual perception, basic chart design principles and the readers’ perspective. This workshop will equip participants with practical skills to create more effective and impactful data visualizations for your research.

What You'll Learn:

  • Fundamentals of data visualization and its role in research communication
  • Essential components of effective graphs and charts
  • Strategic selection of visualization types based on your data and message
  • Common pitfalls in data visualization and how to avoid them
  • Practical techniques for improving your existing visualizations

Workshop programme:

  1. Introduction to the basic principles of data visualisation and common mistakes.
  2. Small group discussions on real-world visualisations: praise, criticism and possible improvements.
  3. Overview of the group discussions’ conclusions \and further resources on data visualisation

Workshop organisers: Barbara Jancewicz (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland) and Justyna Salamońska (Department of Management in Networked and Digital Societies, Kozminski University, Poland)

Registration: Participation in the event is free but requires registration by 23 March 2025Please register by filling out this Google form. Find a pdf version of this call here.

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