Training & Awards

Training of researchers is an essential task of the Network. By pooling the resources and expertise of its partners and members, IMISCOE facilitates the highest quality training for all Network members. It also makes long-term investments in the broader field by opening its training facilities to non-members. To this aim, the Network organizes annual winter- or summer schools for PhD's, as well as specific training modules at other IMISCOE events.

Also, IMISCOE annual awards two prizes to promote the quality of work done in the context of IMISCOE:

Winner Rinus Penninx Award

  • 2023: Naiara Rodriguez-Pena

    The Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2023 has been awarded to Naiara Rodriguez-Pena for her paper on "Aspiring to be ‘here’ and ‘there’: Conflicting intrinsic and instrumental migration aspirations". Naiara is an early stage researcher within the EJD...

Winner Baganha Dissertation Award

  • 2023: Dr. Anton Ahlen and Dr. Kiri Olivia Santer

    In 2023, we received 63 applications for the Maria Ioannis Baganha Distinguished Dissertation Award. After due deliberation, the Award Committee decided to award prizes to two outstanding theses which received the highest scores after two rounds of...