IMISCOE Conferences 2025

IMISCOE Spring and Annual Conferences in 2025

14 October 2024

Every year, IMISCOE organizes two conferences (the Spring Conference and the Annual Conference) gathering scholars working on migration with the ambition to foster knowledge production and encourage academic debate on migration. 

2025 Spring Conference "The Regularity of Irregularity: Rethinking Migration Paradigms"

The 2025 Spring Conference will be held at the University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria) between 17-19 March 2025. 

The event will seek to explore and deepen our understanding of various facets of migrant irregularity. Focusing on four overarching themes – irregular migration processes, integration and settlement processes, the governance of irregular migration, and knowledge production on irregular migration – the conference will examine the political production of migrant irregularity and its social, economic and political drivers, public and media discourse, inclusionary and exclusionary policy responses, and the lived experiences of migrants navigating hostile regulatory governance frameworks and finding themselves in a precarious legal situation at different points of their trajectories.

The paper and panel proposals received for this event are currently being reviewed and proposers will be notified of the decisions by early November 2024.

2025 IMISCOE Annual Conference "Decentering Migration Studies"

The 22nd IMISCOE Annual Conference will be organized by the French Collaborative Institute on Migration (Institut Convergences Migrations, IC Migrations) and will take place in Paris–Aubervilliers and online between 1–4 July 2025. 

In the past years, migration studies have witnessed the renewal of theoretical frameworks, the emergence of new methodologies, numerous empirical studies, and increased collaboration among researchers, all with the aim of improving our understanding of migration. The 2025 IMISCOE Annual Conference will seek to foster a pluralistic epistemological dialogue and collective reflexivity that challenges the ways in which migration research is produced. Most research on migration has been conducted by scientific institutions and published in English, with an emphasis on immigration. The objective is to challenge conventional representations of the migration phenomenon by adopting a decentered perspective, thereby exposing the biases that contribute to an incomplete understanding of the complexities of contemporary migrations. 

For this event, we received an impressive number of workshop, panel and paper proposals and our reviewers will carefully examine each of them in the coming months. Applicants will be notified of the decisions towards the end of January 2025. More details regarding the event will also be posted on our website. Stay tuned!



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IMISCOE Conferences 2025
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