Institut Convergences Migrations (IC Migrations) is The French Collaborative Institute on Migration that brings together leading Research Institutes such as CNRS, Ined, Inserm, IRD, along with top universities (including EHESS, EPHE, Collège de France, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) and three associated partners (CEE and CERI from Sciences Po, Migrinter and URMIS). The institute gathers more than 700 research fellows from various disciplines and has spearheaded an innovative interdisciplinary Master’s program in Migration Studies.
IC Migrations is the only program that brings together researchers from social sciences, humanities and health sciences. It is structured around five scientific departments (Dynamics, Global, Health, Integer, Policy) as well as a department dedicated to the academic course (Master’s program) and professional training.
IC Migrations is also founder of the Migration Global South Platform (Cadmos). Finally, IC Migrations is a partner member of two programs for students in exile (Diploma Hospitality / DUH2M Inalco, DU PEPS / U. Paris 1) and of UXIL (“University in Exile”), a seminar program enabling scholars and artists threatened with or forced into exile to continue their teaching activities.
See our website and watch our video presentation.
Photos: © Raphael de Bengy, Campus Condorcet