Practical guide for Paper Presenters at the IMISCOE Annual Conference

You can find the detailed conference program after logging in on the conference portal. The room numbers (for on-site and hybrid sessions) and Webex links (for virtual and hybrid sessions) will appear on the conference portal (please note that the Webex links will be made available the week before the conference starts). In addition to finding “My sessions” (which automatically lists all sessions in which you have an active role as chair/discussant/paper giver and where you can add new sessions of interest for you), you can also search the entire program by keywords, participants’ names, and Standing Committees. We hope these features will help you plan for a fruitful conference experience!

To facilitate the organisation of sessions, please ensure that you respond to questions from the Chair of your session in a timely manner. Should you wish to contact the Chair, the discussant or other paper givers in your session, you can see their email addresses when clicking on their names in your session’s description in the program. We also strongly encourage you to use the option “Papers” (below the description of your session) to upload your paper on the conference portal.

Ensure that you log on in Webex (if you attend online) or show up in the room in Lisbon (if you attend on-site) 10 mins prior to the start of your session. Please also ensure that you stick to the timing for presentations as per the instructions from your Chair, so that sessions can start and finish within the allocated time, with a fair time distribution between presenters.

If you are presenting online, please double-check and test, well in advance of your presentation, that the Webex interface works on your computer, and that the sound works both ways. A special Drop-In Session will be organized on 26th of June 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00 CEST (see here), to allow participants joining online to test, if they wish, the Webex functionalities prior to the conference (you can join at any time during this time slot). In addition, a special Online Support Centre will also give assistance during the entire duration of the conference to participants joining via Webex. Detailed information regarding the Drop-In Session and the Online Support Centre are available on the Conference Portal.
If presenting in person in Lisbon, please note that you have to bring any PPT file with you on a memory stick, and ensure it is uploaded in the computer available in the conference room before the session is scheduled to begin. We also strongly encourage you to bring your own headsets in case you may need them during the conference days (for instance, if you wish to attend any virtual session while in Lisbon). For those joining in person, you’re most welcome to ask questions at the registration desk set up at the Conference venue.

Should you experience any technical issues either on-site or online, the conference volunteers (either online or on-site) will try to assist as best possible.

To ensure the good visibility of your work in the conference program, we strongly advise you to create a profile on the IMISCOE Migration Research Hub, if you do not have one yet:. Also, please do not hesitate to share the information regarding your presentation on social media, by using the hashtag #IMISCOE2024.

We wish you a fruitful and enjoyable IMISCOE conference – online or in person in Lisbon!