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pdf 'My Name is Not Natasha': How Albanian Women in France Use Trafficking to Overcome Social Exclusion (1998-2001) (3312 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.55 MB)
pdf A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe (3816 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 4.63 MB)
pdf A risky business? Ukrainian Migrant Women in Warsaw's Domestic Work Sector (3396 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.72 MB)
pdf Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses : Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries (5181 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.87 MB)
pdf Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 2: Country Analyses : Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries VOL II (9761 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.21 MB)
pdf Albania on the Move : Links between Internal and International Migration (4434 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 5.68 MB)
pdf Beyond Dutch Borders : Transnational Politics among Colonial Migrants, Guest Workers and the Second Generation (4185 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.55 MB)
document Book Funding Proposal (1312 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 17 KB)
pdf Born entrepreneurs?: immigrant self-employment in Spain (2957 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.61 MB)
pdf Breaking down anonymity: Digital surveillance of irregular migrants in Germany and the Netherlands (3217 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.16 MB)
pdf Citizenship in the Arab World: Kin, Religion and Nation-State (3809 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 810 KB)
pdf Citizenship Policies in the New Europe (3669 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.80 MB)
pdf Citizenship Policies in the New Europe: Expanded and Updated Edition (4736 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.33 MB)
pdf Colonial and Post-Colonial Governance of Islam: Continuities and Ruptures (7162 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 980 KB)
pdf Diaspora and Transnationalism: Concepts, Theories and Methods (14177 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.84 MB)
pdf Dynamic Entrepreneurship : First and Second-Generation Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Dutch Cities (2421 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.89 MB)
pdf Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks: Cross-national Perspectives (3280 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.37 MB)
pdf Educational Reception in Rotterdam and Barcelona: Policies, Practices and Gaps (3942 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.12 MB)
pdf Equal Opportunities and Ethnic Inequality in European Labour Markets : Discrimination, Gender and Policies of Diversity (4207 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 743 KB)
pdf European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications (5059 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.90 MB)
pdf Fibbi et al TIES in Switzerland (8662 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.78 MB)
pdf Foggy Social Structures: Irregular Migration, European Labour Markets and the Welfare State (6266 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.37 MB)
pdf Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration (3278 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.08 MB)
pdf Gender, Migration and Categorisation : Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010 (7215 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.54 MB)
pdf Getting by in Europe's urban labour markets: Senegambian migrants' strategies for survival, documentation and mobility (2983 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.03 MB)
pdf Globalisation, migration and socio-economic change in contemporary Greece: Processes of social incorporation of Balkan immigrants in Thessaloniki (3824 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.23 MB)
pdf Identity Processes and Dynamics in Multi-Ethnic Europe (5268 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.39 MB)
pdf Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective (5318 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 893 KB)
pdf Illegal residence and public safety in the Netherlands (2811 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 6.42 MB)
document IMISCOE Book Proposal form 2019 modified (1231 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 38 KB)
document IMISCOE book proposal form 2021 - modified (1181 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 38 KB)
document IMISCOE book proposal form 2022 (1360 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 38 KB)
document IMISCOE reader proposal form 2021 - modified (1157 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 35 KB)
document IMISCOE reader proposal form 2022 (1130 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 35 KB)
document IMISCOE Short READER Proposal form 2019 (1046 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 35 KB)
pdf Immigrant associations, integration and identity: Angolan, Brazilian and Eastern European communities in Portugal (9427 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.56 MB)
pdf Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market: Bonding and Bridging Social Capital (3092 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.31 MB)
pdf Immigration and Social Systems : Collected Essays of Michael Bommes (7023 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.08 MB)
pdf Innovative Concepts for Alternative Migration Policies : Ten Innovative Approaches to the Challenges of Migration in the 21st Century (3362 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 574 KB)
pdf International Migration in Europe: New Trends and New Methods of Analysis (9286 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.72 MB)
pdf Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands: Aspirations and Incorporation (3521 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.40 MB)
pdf L'imaginaire du complot: discours d'extrême droite en France et aux Etats-Unis (6753 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.65 MB)
pdf Labour Migration in Malaysia and Spain: Markets, Citizenship and Rights (3029 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.78 MB)
pdf Migrants and Markets: Perspectives from Economics and the Other Social Sciences (3913 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 3.76 MB)
pdf Migration and Citizenship : Legal Status, Rights and Political Participation (4588 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 551 KB)
pdf Migration and Irregular Work in Austria (2801 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 1.31 MB)
pdf Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe: Past Developments, Current Status and Future Potentials (8160 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.52 MB)
pdf Migration in A Globalised World : New Research Issues and Prospects (10190 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.19 MB)
pdf Migration Policymaking in Europe: The Dynamics of Actors and Contexts in Past and Present (13822 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.88 MB)
pdf Mobility in transition (4675 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 2.33 MB)