The IMISCOE Anti-Racism Working Group (ARWG) webinar series kicks off the new academic year thanks to the PhD Network!
Becoming more and more aware of how the success of young scholars is dependent on the educational opportunities and access to the article databases, we (European-based PhD students) decided to open the discussion about structural challenges faced by our PhD-colleagues worldwide and how we can overcome them together. Thus, the idea of this event is twofold: first, we want to emphasize, discuss, and learn about (structural) barriers in academia. This might be about collaborations, publishing, or any other barriers encountered. We want to talk about challenges with accessing, entering, remaining, and thriving in Western-dominated academia for PhDs that are outside this dominant category; either because of their country of origin, alma mater, or any other systematic pattern. Second, we want to look forward and discuss how we -as PhDs- can support each other. (How) can we be PhD Network Buddies and overcome some (structural) barriers together?
In order to join, we ask you to register first so we can have an approximate idea of how many people will join us:
The event will take place online via Cisco Webex and it is completely free! (Password: 1234)