Archived News and Events

The Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award of the 21st Annual Conference 2024 in Lisbon was awarded to Christine Lang and Elisabeth Badenhoop for their paper on “Civil society organisations and local politics of migration: how funding contexts matter”. This...
- Category: Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award

The winners of the 2024 Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award are Dr. Iva Dodevska and Dr. Uzair Ahmed. Dr. Dodevska’s dissertation entitled “Europe and its Others: Migrant Integration in Research and Policy”, was defended at Charles University,...
- Category: Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award
The Standing Committee Forced Migration and Refugees (FMR) seeks to critically reflect on the conventional dichotomy of voluntary / forced migration, avoid silo-isation of forced migration studies and instead seek debates across various fields and...
- Category: Standing Committees

Franck Düvell

In 2023, we received 63 applications for the Maria Ioannis Baganha Distinguished Dissertation Award. After due deliberation, the Award Committee decided to award prizes to two outstanding theses which received the highest scores after two rounds of...
- Category: Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award

The Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2023 has been awarded to Naiara Rodriguez-Pena for her paper on "Aspiring to be ‘here’ and ‘there’: Conflicting intrinsic and instrumental migration aspirations". Naiara is an early stage researcher within the EJD...
- Category: Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award

The winner of the 2022 Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award is Hannah Pool. Her dissertation entitled “Doing the Game”. The Moral Economy of Coming to Europe, was defended at the University of Cologne, in June 2021. Drawing on multi-sited...
- Category: Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award

The winner of the 2020 IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award is Dr. Simone Cremaschi. His dissertation is entitled: "Sheltered: Life and Work in Italy’s Immigrant Ghettos ". The award ceremony took place online during the 18th Imiscoe Annual...
- Category: Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award
During the conference jury members decided unanimously that the winners of the Award were Asaf Augusto, Elisa Alves, Russell King & Jorge Malheiros, for their work on “Reciprocal migration: the coloniality of recent two-way migration links between...
- Category: Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award

Dr. Lea Müller-Funk was awarded the IMISCOE - Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2019 for her paper "Investigating mobility aspirations of refugees in fragile political contexts: Ethical reflections and methodological choices.” Dr. Lea Müller-Funk was...
- Category: Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award
The SC Race, racism and discrimination (RACED) will be a forum for researchers to engage in interdisciplinary conversations with an ambition to more adequately conceptualize and empirically study racial inequalities and racial exclusion, and to...
- Category: Standing Committees

Patrick Simon