Postdoctoral position - Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw

The Director of the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw, Prof. Paweł Kaczmarczyk hereby announces a competition for a two-year position at the post-doctoral level to be employed full-time within the framework of the DemEx research project.

Project description

“Democracy in Exile: A Comparative Study of Russian Migrant Communities following the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine” (DemEx) is an international project co-funded by the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland, as part of the Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities programme (T-AP DGT Call 2023, Trans- -Atlantic Platform: Democracy, Governance and Trust). DemEx is run by the transatlantic consortium, including, apart from the University of Warsaw, George Washington University (coordinator) and Carleton University, and will involve collaboration with researchers from University of Helsinki and European University Institute. The project focuses on defining the political impact of new émigré communities from Russia on host countries and their potential to affect political change in their country of origin. In particular, the project aims to address the following research questions:

1) How might Russian political migrants impact their countries of destination and vice versa?

2) How do exile communities affect domestic politics back in Russia?

3) How does Russian state propaganda capitalize on political emigration domestically and affect the perceptions of Russian émigrés?

The project is located at the intersection of democratization studies, transnationalism and migration studies, and media and propaganda studies. It utilizes various methods – both quantitative and qualitative, combining a worldwide online survey among post-February 24th emigrants from Russia, including those who already returned, with semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in 8 countries with varying state of democracy and in Russia, focus groups, and automatic text analysis of Russian media.

The researcher will be engaged in the qualitative part of the project, among other things, will co-design the qualitative study – co-develop the fieldwork strategy and a research tool (interview guide) for semi-structured in-depth interviews with emigrants from Russia, conduct interviews with Russian nationals residing in Serbia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and Kazakhstan, and analyse the interview data (for details, see below under Tasks).

More details on the position and how to apply here:

Deadline: November 21st, 2024, 9 AM (CET)