Call for Abstracts: Evolving frames and discourses in the politicization of migration and diversity, IMISCOE Annual Conference in Paris

Organizer: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maria Schiller, Erasmus University Rotterdam, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We invite scholars to submit abstracts for a panel exploring the evolving frames and discourses surrounding the politicization of migration and diversity. This panel seeks to integrate both empirical and conceptual research that examines how actors frame migration issues and contribute to anti-immigrant discourses.

Our goal is to illuminate ongoing shifts (and continuities) in how migration and diversity are constructed as significant political issues – within but also beyond Europe  –  amidst rising populism, polarization, and anti-immigrant sentiments. 

Key questions include:

·      Which migrant groups or migration issues are (increasingly) portrayed as problematic or threatening?

·      How are the interests and needs of non-migrants depicted in these discourses? 

·      What frames, narratives and discourses are utilized by various actors, and how do these evolve over time? 

·      How can we understand and explain the emergence and transformation of these frames and narratives? 

We are particularly interested in contributions that address:

·      The novel problematization of specific migrant groups (e.g., highly skilled migrants or international students).

·      Shifts in discourses or frames related to specific migrant groups or types of migration (e.g., changing perceptions of Afghans, Syrians, or Ukrainians in Europe).

·      The impacts of these politicized frames and narratives on migrants' life chances and experiences.

·      Comparative analyses of frames and narratives across different times and geographical contexts. Contributions from outside Europe are encouraged.


This panel aims to foster a robust discussion on the politicization of migration and diversity through the lens of evolving frames and discourses. We welcome innovative research and comparative studies that contribute to our understanding of how migration and diversity are increasingly politicized against the backdrop of the resurgence of the anti-immigrant right and increasing populism and polarization.

For those interested in presenting a paper in this panel, please send a 250-word abstract along with the name(s),affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s) by the 21th September at the latest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to engaging with diverse perspectives and advancing the conversation on this crucial topic.