The second 2024 issue of the Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung / Journal of Migration Studies (ZMF) has now been published. An introduction, four articles and two discussion papers of the special issue edited by Maria Six-Hohenbalken deal with the Representation of Migration: Documentations, Memorialization and Arts-Based Approaches. For more information please visit:
The Journal of Migration Studies is published by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS). The journal offers a forum for the scholarly examination of the background and conditions of spatial movements of people in the past and present as well as of social change induced by migration processes in contexts of origin, transit and destination. The contributions present new findings from various disciplines and fields of research, discuss concepts or formulate theoretical proposals. All contributions are subject to a review process for quality assurance and are discussed by the editors. An intensive consultation process with the authors also takes place.
The Journal of Migration Studies is an open access journal published here:
Some issues are open to any subject matter, others focus on specific topics. It is published twice a year, completed articles are published "online first". The journal includes two different categories of contributions, in German or in English:
Essays offer insights into specific questions of migration research. They argue against the background of the current scholarly debate and reflect their findings methodologically and theoretically. The essays undergo a double-blind external peer review process. They should not exceed a length of 65,000 characters (including spaces).
Discussion papers take up current conceptual, methodological or theoretical debates in migration research or offer conference, practice and literature reports or collective reviews. Their quality is thoroughly checked by the journals’s editors, but the discussion papers are not subject to the external review process. They should not exceed a length of 35,000 characters (including spaces).
The Journal of Migration Studies is at your disposal to publish your contributions. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time to the editorial office:
More information on the conditions for submission and the style sheet can be found here.