Expert Survey “Key publications on migrant integration policies and practices”

Deadline: 22 August, 2021

On behalf of Prof. dr. Peter Scholten and dr. Asya Pisarevskaya (Erasmus University Rotterdam), we would like to invite you to participate in this Expert Survey “Key publications on migrant integration policies and practices” (link).

In view of your expertise in the field of migrant integration, we would be grateful if you could help us identifying key literature on this topic produced by yourself, your research group or other authors. The key publications from this survey will form a knowledge repository for practitioners of integration, and will be used in the creation of a new Handbook on Integration Policy Practices. 

By filling in the survey you are helping to translate academic knowledge to practitioners of integration contributing to better integration practices for migrants and refugees.

This survey is conducted under the Horizon2020-funded project Sustainable Practices of Integration SPRING (, coordinated by ISMU Foundation. Erasmus University Rotterdam has created this survey with the support of Danube University Krems and International Centre for Migration Policy Development.

We would kindly ask you to fill in the survey by August, 22, 2021. It will take about 10 minutes of your time.

For any questions, please contact Asya Pisarevskaya (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


 Click here to participate

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