Call for Papers for panel “Intermigrant dynamics: Practices of racism and solidarity”

Panel Submission to the 21st IMISCOE annual conference on Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn, Lisbon (and online), 02-05 July 202

Panel Abstract “Intermigrant” dynamics: Practices of racism and solidarity

This panel seeks to explore dynamics between and within migrant(icized) communities that develop into practices of racism and solidarity. Scholarly works on racism and on solidarity in migration literature have been on the rise in the recent decades, uncovering on the one hand the ways in which different migrant communities have been subjected to racialized discursive practices and physical racist attacks and on the other the complex web of solidarity networks that often counter but at times also reproduce these racialized boundaries.

While these two strands of literature have grown fairly independently from each other, both have predominantly focused on the relationship between migrants and “mainstream societies”. In this panel, we not only seek to study practices of racism and solidarity in combination but also to problematize discourses that analyze to “intermigrant” relationships from the lens of “imported” conflicts. However, migrant(icized) communities are far from being homogenous entities and the relationships between and within migrant(icized) communities are as much shaped by countries of destination as they are by countries of origin and transit.

Therefore, we welcome papers that broadly engage with the questions of how practices of racism and solidarity travel across national boundaries, get entangled with (trans)national power structures, become salient in new national and/or political settings, (re)produce and resist gendered and essentialized representations of migrant(icized) communities. We are interested in case studies from around the world and are open to a variety of approaches, including empirical, historical, and conceptual.

Panel Convenors: Zeynep Yanaşmayan, Ramona Rischke, Rosa Burç

Paper proposals should include a 250-words abstract maximum and the name(s), affiliation(s), and contact details of the author(s). We strongly encourage authors to highlight the conceptual and methodological novelty of their contribution.

Please send your proposals to Zeynep Yanaşmayan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Ramona Rischke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Rosa Burç (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) no later than October 9. Decisions on the papers will be made in time before the final deadline of the conference.


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