Migration Politics – 2024 call for residential fellows

no later than 15 Nov. 2023 (16:59 CE)

The editorial team of the journal Migration Politics warmly welcome paper proposals for our 2024 authors’ fellowship in residence programme. We are seeking submissions from scholars conducting innovative and inspiring research on the politics involved in representing, controlling, and managing migration. Successful applicants will spend a one week intensive residence period at either the University of Glasgow or the University of Amsterdam to develop their ideas into a manuscript ready for submission. In the run-up to the residence, fellows will participate in virtual feedback sessions with the other upcoming fellows and expert discussants. The residency scheme covers a round trip to Glasgow or Amsterdam and one week accommodation for one person. The author residency programme is open to scholars with a PhD at all career stages as well as to PhD candidates.

Scholars taking part in the author residency programme are expected to submit their papers for review to the Migration Politics journal that offers rigorous, single-anonymised peer review and full open access without article processing charges (platinum open access).

For the 2024 residencies we are particularly – though by no means exclusively – interested in papers in the field of migration diplomacy, migration and foreign policy, as well as work focusing on the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, Asia or sub-Saharan Africa.


Migration Politics publishes peer-reviewed scholarly contributions on the politics involved in representing, controlling and managing migration. We feature articles that promote inter-disciplinary conversations amongst Geographers, Political Scientists, Anthropologists, Historians, Sociologists and Legal Scholars on the relationship between migration and political institutions, processes and power. We seek contributions that present theoretically challenging ideas. Papers should present original empirical and/or theoretical analysis and be methodologically rigorous. The Senior Editorial Fellows of Migration Politics are Saskia Bonjour, Evelyn Ersanilli, and Darshan Vigneswaran. Migration Politics has an active Editorial College, which is involved in the residencies and serve as editors in charge of submitted papers.

Migration Politics is a highly selective journal that adopts a uniquely intensive approach to the curation of cutting edge scholarly work. We issue yearly calls for authors to send us short paper proposals. Our editorial team then works intensively with selected authors to develop their ideas into polished manuscripts, including a one-week authors’ residency at the University of Glasgow/Amsterdam. These manuscripts are then sent out for external review. In this phase, we expect the acceptance rate to be much higher than the usual 5-10%, because of the initial stringent selection of abstracts, and because of the intensive editorial process.

Papers published in Migration Politics can be found on the journal’s SciPost page.


We believe that the current system of academic publishing has reached its limits with academics working for free and journals making profits while the work has limited accessibility. Migration Politics is a full open access journal; articles are freely available in the official journal format from the moment of publication. There are no article processing fees (ACPs) for publication.

Migration Politics uses SciPost, a scholarly publication platform which guarantees both full open access and stringent scholarly refereeing. SciPost guarantees academic autonomy by soliciting sponsorship to cover operational costs from organisations (universities, research institutes, funding agencies) affiliated with authors who have published on SciPost. Papers on SciPost are indexed by Google Scholar. Migration Politics papers are placed on Soc ArXiv guaranteeing long-term availability to all readers.


Authors who have been selected to prepare a manuscript for submission to Migration Politics are invited for a one-week authors’ residency. Up to three authors will be in residence during the same period. The residency will include one public presentation, as well as intensive feedback sessions with members of the Migration Politics editorial team, other authors in residence, and other migration scholars working in or near the host institution.

The Spring (April/May 2024) residency will take place at the University of Glasgow and is hosted by Gerasimos Tsourapas. Spring residents will interact with the International Politics of Mobility Sanctions (MOBSANCT) project team, which works on migration diplomacy in Europe and the Global South. The Fall (October/November 2024) residency will take place in Amsterdam and is hosted by Saskia Bonjour, Evelyn Ersanilli and Darshan Vigneswaran. Fall residents will interact with members of the Amsterdam Research Centre for Migration (ARC-M).

Scholars are welcome to submit co-authored work however the residency scheme covers a round trip and one week of accommodation for one person per accepted abstract. The accommodation and travel are conditional on the submission of a full draft paper a month before the start of the residency.


Manuscripts submitted to Migration Politics will be taken charge of by a member of the Editorial College, who will act as Lead Editor for the paper, with responsibility for selecting reviewers and writing decision letters based on those reviews. The Senior Editorial Fellows who convene the fellowship in residence program will not act as Lead Editors or reviewers for papers coming out of a residency. The review process is public, meaning all reviews, editorial decision letters and author replies are visible on the SciPost website. The Lead Editor requires a minimum of two reviewers to reach a decision on the paper. The Lead Editor will make revise & resubmit decisions independently. If the Lead Editor decides to reject or accept a paper for publication, this decision will be reviewed by a quorum of no less than five members from the Editorial College.


For more information read our FAQ: https://migrationpolitics.org/frequently-asked-questions/


Deadline: You are warmly invited to submit your paper proposal no later than 15 November 2023 (16:59 CET)
How to submit? Through https://uva.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0oLKTun1UKjoPGu 

Your paper proposal should:
1) Contain a title
2) State in 1,000-1,500 words excluding references:
o The core question/thesis of the paper
o The expected contribution to ongoing scholarly debates (explain which debates the paper connects to, citing relevant work and explain how it connects to these debates)
o The methodological approach
o The empirical material. Please note: data collection should be completed before submitting a paper proposal to Migration Politics residency programme
o Preliminary findings
In the submission form you’ll be asked to list:
3) Your name, institutional affiliation, position, and contact email
4) A brief description of the data (empirical papers only)
5) Confirm that your contribution is original and not under review at another journal or academic publisher and confirm that it won’t be submitted to another journal or publisher until either the proposal was rejected for the residency or, in case you are offered a residency fellowship, after rejection by Migration Politics.
6) Your preference for either the Spring (April/May 2024 in Glasgow) and Fall (October/November 2024 in Amsterdam) residency, as well as your availability during the months of your preference.


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