
Transnationalität als Ressource? Netzwerke vietnamesischer Migrantinnen und Migranten zwischen Berlin und Vietnam
2011 Antonie Schmiz, 370 pages

Markets, citizenship and rights: state regulation of labour migration in Malaysia and Spain
2010 Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, 227 pages

The Polish ‘Intelligentsia’ in London: A Case Study of Young Graduates Working in the Secondary Sector
2010 Paulina Trevena 314 pages

Understanding Processes of Ethnic Concentration and Dispersal. South Asian Residential Preferences in Glasgow
2010 Jennifer Leigh McGarrigle, 256 pages

Growing up Glocal in London and Sylhet
2010 Benjamin Zeitlyn, 418 pages

Breaking Down Anonymity: Digital Surveillance of Irregular Migrants in Germany and the Netherlands
2009 Dennis Broeders, 230 pages

Social Humiliation and Labor Migration
2009 Anna Janicka, 144 pages

'My Name Is Not Natasha' How Albanian Women in France Use Trafficking to Overcome Social Exclusion (1998-2001)
2009 John Davies, 348 pages

L'imaginaire du complot. Discours d'extrême droite en France et aux Etats-Unis
2009 Jerome  Jamin, 368 pages

Immigration and Integration Policies of the European Union and the Czech Republic and their Relation to the Civil Society Organizations and Other Relevant Stakeholders in the Czech Republic
2009 Selma Muhič Dizdarevič, 205 pages

Acculturation and Prejudice against Sociological Minorities among Brussels Youth: A Multilevel Regression Approach
2009 Celine Teney

Social Humiliation and Labor Migration
2009, Anna Janicka

Illegal Residence and Public Safety in the Netherlands
2009, Arjan Leerkes, 256 pages

Integrazione e riuscita scolasticadelle «seconde generazioni» nella provincia di Bologna
2009 Debora Mantovani, 245 pages

Sri Lankan Housemaids in Lebanon. A Case of 'Symbolic Violence' and 'Everyday Forms of Resistance'
2009 Nayla Moukarbel, 250 pages

Getting by in Europe's Urban Labour Markets. Senegambian Migrants' Strategies for Survival, Documentation and Mobility
2009, Inge van Nieuwenhuyze, 240 pages

Etnicidad y poder en el contexto de la movilidad transoceánica otavala
2009 Andrea Ruiz Balzola, 190 pages

Immigrant Associations, Integration and Identity: Angolan, Brazilian and Eastern European Communities in Portugal
2009 João Sardinha, 340 pages

Paradoxes of social capital. A multi-generational study of Moroccans in London
2008 Myriam Cherti, 338 pages

Practising Citizenship and Heterogeneous Nationhood. Naturalisations in Swiss Municipalities

2008 Marc Helbling, 214 pages

Transnational migrant politics in the Netherlands: historical structures and current events
2008 Liza Nell

Managing Households, Making Homes–A Moral Economy og Migrant Domestic and Care Work in Naples

2008 Lena Margareta Näre, 333 pages

Las telas transgresoras de la araña Anancy en el archipiélago de San Andrés, Vieja Providencia y Santa Catalina (Colombia) y en la provincia Atlántica de Limón (Costa Rica)
2008 Lina M. Pochet Rodriguez

Navigating Borders. An Inside Perspective into the Process of Human Smuggling.

2007 Ilse van Liempt, 214 pages

Narratives of Place, Culture and Identity. Second-Generation Greek-Americans Return 'Home'.
2006 Anastasia Christou, 264 pages

Globalisation, migration and socio-economic change in contemporary Greece. Processes of social incorporation of Albanian and Bulgarian immigrants in Thessaloniki.
2006 Panos Hatziprokopiou, 320 pages

Dynamic Entrepreneurship. First and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs in Dutch cities.
2006 Katja Rušinovic, 200 pages

The Creolisation of London Kinship: Mixed African-Caribbean and white British extended families, 1950-2003
2006 Elaine Bauer, 189 pages

The immigrant organizing process. Turkish organizations in Amsterdam and Berlin and Surinamese organizations in Amsterdam 1960-2000.
2006 Floris Vermeulen, 192 pages

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