IMISCOE PhD Workshop 2016: Academic skills during and after a PhD in Migration Studies

How do I best manage the work and the amount of information within my PhD? How can I get my work published? How to present papers in such a way that it successfully communicates my message, and facilitates constructive feedback? What should I be aware of when preparing my PhD defense? What are my professional options after the PhD? What are the typical challenges related to teaching while doing my PhD, and how can I better address them?

The IMISCOE PhD Workshop 2016 will take place on June 30. It is a complementary activity for PhDs who are registered participants of the IMISCOE 13th Annual Conference in Prague and it will focus on academic skills particularly relevant to PhD’s in Migration Studies. The aim is to enable the development of coping strategies regarding daily constraints, increase motivation, stimulate the quality of scientific production, and promote strategies for entry into the labor market.

The workshop will be held in two timeslots, each consisting of two separate, parallel sessions. Participants can register for one session per timeslot. The workshop will start at 08:30h with a quick joint introduction and, after the sessions, there will be the IMISCOE PhD assembly (11:50h-12:20h). We invite you to participate and share with us your ideas about the future of the PhD network.

Download the Program (pdf)

To participate, please apply for the sessions you wish to attend. Participation is free of charge, but limited to the available places. Participants will be selected according to a motivational abstract (max. 150 words).

The application for the workshop is open from April 15th until May 15th

After the selection process, participation will be granted only after registration to the IMISCOE 13th Annual Conference.


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