Final Program of the IMISCOE PhD Workshop 2017: Academic Skills during and after a PhD in Migration Studies

Many beginning and advanced PhDs have questions about their PhD project and all this entails. These workshops will cover some of the most frequently raised questions, concerning aspects of publication, research funding, and academic networking. They also offer participants the opportunity to meet their peers in a relaxed atmosphere.

Following the success of the 2016 PhD Workshop, which took place during the 13th Annual IMISCOE conference in Prague, the next IMISCOE PhD Workshop will take place on 28 June 2017 during the 14th Annual IMISCOE Conference in Rotterdam. This will be a complementary activity for PhD students in the IMISCOE network, focusing on academic skills that are particularly relevant for PhDs in the field of migration studies. As was the case in Prague, the workshop will be organised in the morning of the first day of the conference, just before the official opening of the program.

In a survey conducted among members of the IMISCOE PhD Network during autumn 2016, participants expressed great interest in the topics of “Getting Published”, “Research Funding”, and “Networking at Academic Conferences”. We have planned this year’s workshop program accordingly. Due to overwhelming interest the “Getting Published” workshop will be held for all PhD students, while the workshops on “Research Funding” and “Networking” will run in parallel sessions.

The morning will be divided into three parts: the PhD Assembly, the “Getting Published” workshop, and the two workshop sessions on “Research Funding” and “Networking”. We will finish just in time for lunch.

Part 1: PhD Assembly (8.30-9.15)

The morning (8.30-9.15) will start with a short introduction session as well as the IMISCOE PhD Assembly. This will give everyone a chance to meet up and discuss current developments within IMISCOE as well as issues concerning the PhD students within the network.

Part 2: Workshop 1 “Academic Publications” (9.15-10.45)

Speakers: Prof. dr. Sawitri Saharso - Editor-in-chief of the IMISCOE Journal Comparative Migration Studies - Professor for Citizenship and Moral Diversity at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht and Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of the Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands

Prof. Jørgen Carling - Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Next, we will address a number of questions regarding the publication process both from the perspective of an editor as well as the perspective of the researcher. Prof. Saharso, one of the editors in chief of the IMISCOE Journal Comparative Migration studies, and Prof. Carling, an experienced researcher in the field of migration studies, will share their experiences with publishing in the field of migration studies. Participants will also be able to email their questions in advance to tailor the workshop to their needs.

Part 3: Parallel workshops

Workshop 2 “Research Funding” (10.55-12.15)

Speaker: Dr. Esther Verhoeven  - RVO/ National Contact Point (NCP) (Dutch National Contact Point for ERC grants)

For the workshop on “Research Funding” we will be joined by Dr. Esther Verhoeven, who works at the Dutch National Contact Point for ERC grants and whose focus is on grants such as ERC and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within Horizon 2020. This workshop will deal with the individual grants that are available in Horizon 2020 and how to apply for funding.

Workshop 3 “Networking at Academic Conferences” (10.55-12.15)

Speaker: Dr. Christof van Mol - Senior Researcher at NIDI - Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, and associate researcher at CeMIS - the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies, University of Antwerp.

Would you like to take more advantage of conferences and improve your networking skills? If so, this workshop is for you. We have invited Dr. Christof van Mol, researcher at NIDI and CeMIS, who has worked extensively in the field of international student mobility. Based on his own experience and expertise Dr. van Mol will discuss different strategies and tips for networking, which you can then put to good use at the IMISCOE conference.

General Schedule

08:30 – 09:15  PhD Assembly

09:15 – 10:45  Workshop 1

10:45 – 10:55  Short break

10:55 – 12.15  Workshop 2 & 3

12:15  End of the workshop – Lunch

We hope to see you in Rotterdam!

More information about the annual conference

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