RESPOND's final conference: "Governing Migration in Europe and Beyond: New Perspectives and Lessons Learned

Deadline: 18 November, 2020

This event is the final conference of the Horizon 2020 RESPOND project which has studied the multilevel governance of migration in Europe and beyond from 2011 onwards along the so called eastern Mediterranean route/Balkan route.

This conference aims to facilitate a transnational exchange between researchers and stakeholders working at local, national and international levels. More specifically, it will assess the political responses given to migration in the last five years, discuss the main findings of the RESPOND project and drawing on the lessons learned identify best practices in different sectors and localities. 

The conference comprises four panels and a keynote lecture aiming to open up a forum to critically discuss the political and legal frameworks of migration, border security and migration control regimes as well as local practices of reception and integration of refugees in different countries both within EU and beyond. In addition, in country specific posters (soon will be available on the conference page) you can find the prominent findings of the RESPOND research in each country along work package themes studied:

(1) Border management and security
(2) Refugee protection regimes,
(3) Reception policies and (4) Integration policies

Please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any further questions.

The conference spans over 1,5 days, starting on 20 November (Friday) late afternoon at 4 pm and ends on 21 November (Saturday) at 4 pm

Deadline: 18 November 2020


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