Calls for papers

At the forthcoming IMISCOE conference, GenSeM will organise two events, to which you are invited to submit your research,

Panel on Gender perspectives on time and temporality. (Deadline Nov 19th)

Early Career Researchers Roundtable: Working on/with intersectionality in migration research and future research agendas (Deadline Nov 26th

You will find the full calls at the end of this email.

We look forward to receiving your contributions, to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Call for Papers: Gender perspectives on time and temporality

Temporality is becoming increasingly recognized as a valuable analytical lens through which to understand the migratory experience, which represents a key theoretical development and what Baas and Yeoh (2019) consider a ‘significant and possibly paradigmatic shift’. Much thought is being given to the way in which past, present and future interact as part of the migratory experience, as both a backwards- and forward-looking process. Cwerner’s (2001) ground-breaking article, The Times of Migration, highlighted that temporalities were not just experienced in diverse ways, but migrated with people across transnational space. Despite the significance of this work, temporalities did not feature strongly in migration research over the following ten years, until around 2010, when increasing mentions of time and temporalities could be observed. Nonetheless, the focus of this analysis has largely been on the timing of migration rather than on lived experiences of time (Carling and Collins 2018). There is much scope for further exploration of a gender perspective on time and temporalities in migration studies. A feminist approach to temporalities in migration studies also has methodological implications, including promoting longitudinal, multi-sited research and mitigating against the gendered time poverty which may affect research participants.

This call for papers invites researchers to submit proposals for research papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following themes:

 -          The way in which migration interacts with gender norms over time.

-          Migrants’ gendered experiences of liminality, temporariness and/or immobility.

-          Fresh perspectives on transnational care practices through a temporal lens.

-          Migrant workers’ temporal experiences of work, including precarious work.

-          Second-generation migrants’ experiences across both space and time, including multi-sited and longitudinal studies.

-          Temporariness as a (gendered) disciplinary practice of the state, executed through immigration policies and visa regimes, for example.

  Please send your abstract of up to 250 words, your title and institutional affiliation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Deadline for application: Friday 19 November 2021


Call for expressions of interest - Early Career Researchers Roundtable: Working on/with intersectionality in migration research and future research agendas

Over the past 30 years, intersectionality has emerged as a concept for conducting research that takes seriously interlocking issues of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality. Over the past years, however, the growing international appeal of the concept has precipitated a major conservative backlash. In an interview published in Elle in July 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron showed an example of this discontent: “The logic of intersectionality fractures everything”. The contemporary political disputes over xenophobia, anti-feminist and homophobic mobilization, and anti-Muslim, anti-Black, anti-Roma, and anti-Arab sentiments evidence the urgency of an alternative way of thinking about social inequalities in Europe. Taking intersectionality as a concept that migrates across disciplinary boundaries as well as the limits of academia, this roundtable reflects on how early career scholars have adopted and developed intersectionality to inform their work. With a special focus on migration research, this roundtable will bring together perspectives from gender and sexuality studies, queer theory, trans studies, refugee studies, and LGBTQ migration.


Places to present at the roundtable are limited. If you would like to participate, please send us an expression of interest (max 150 words) explaining how your research fits the call of the Roundtable as well as a list of relevant papers (published or not) by November 26th at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the heading ‘EC Roundtable IMISCOE’. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by December 8th.

To supervisors - please circulate this call among your supervisees who might be interested!

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