Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. II (Autumn/Winter 2022)

After a great first round of PhD Peer Feedback Sessions on Reflexivities in Migration Studies during the spring semester, we are now launching a second call to continue the sessions into the winter semester!
The sessions are organized by PhD members of the IMISCOE Standing Committee "Reflexivities in Migration Studies". They are meant to serve as a platform where early career peers can present their research, give feedback on each other's work, debate methodological and theoretical issues, and broaden their network by meeting like-minded researchers interested in a reflexive way of doing migration research. It's a safe place for young scholars who like to advance alternative modes of research that remain sensitive to the power relations in the production of knowledge on migration and aim to de-nationalize and de-migranticize the study of mobility and diversity. 
We invite all PhD and early career researchers whose research contributes to advancing Reflexivities in Migration Studies to signal their interest to present, discuss or participate otherwise in our online Autumn/Winter sessions.
The sessions will take place
every last Thursday of the month (except December) from 3-5 pm (CET), October 2022 to February 2023 (October 27, November 24, December 22, January 26, February 23).
You can register as (note that you are encouraged to register both as presenter AND discussant):
1) Presenter

Presentations are 15 minutes in a format selected by the presenter. Presenters can discuss a piece of research, draft dissertation chapter, draft article, methodological dilemma, or similar. Please note that those who would like to present will need to submit a brief abstract at this stage (max 200 words). This is to ensure that we organize the sessions thematically for a maximum benefit and that the research advances critical and (self)reflexive perspectives. Abstracts submitted by presenters can be later modified, so early drafts/ideas are welcome. In the event there is a higher number of interested presenters than available slots, we will give advantage to presentations that adopt a reflexive approach to their research.
2) Discussant
You will receive a draft or a presentation by a fellow presenter and you'll be trusted with the important task to provide critical, respectful and useful feedback on how to improve their work. You will have 10 minutes for this during the session, and you can additionally provide written feedback (optional but much recommended). Discussants are indispensable - as a presenter, you know how much you will benefit from feedback, so consider giving back by providing feedback for someone else, too.
3) Non-active participant
If you'd like to just follow the sessions without taking active part as a presenter or discussant (but hopefully still engaging with questions and comments), register so that we add you to the mailing list, where you'll receive the dates and links to the meetings.
You do not need to be a member of SC Reflexivities or IMISCOE in order to participate. Anyone can both present and be a discussant.
Please register your interest by October 9 using this form: Reflexivities PhD Sessions Vol. 2.For any questions you may have, you can contact and
Looking forward to exchanging with you,
The organizers

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