SPRING Project brings scientific evidence on migrant integration closer to practitioners

The SprINg* Evidence Repository has been launched in October 2022. It is a ‘one-stop shop’ for information on migrant integration in Europe, created through a collaboration between IMISCOE member organizations: Danube University Krems, Erasmus University Rotterdam and ICMPD. Under the leadership of dr. Albert Kraler, Prof. dr. Peter Scholten and dr. Asya Pisarevskaya the team summarized scientific studies on policies and practices of integration in the EU from the past decade, in order to make it more accessible and usable for various practitioners in the field of migrant integration.

The SprINg evidence repository helps policy makers, service providers and advocates working with migrants to make their policies and practices more evidence-based. Here they can dive into 11 themes relevant for integration of migrants, including Rights and legal status, Employment, Education and Training, Housing and Settlement, Access to Welfare, Health Care, Crime, Family Relations, Identity and Belonging, Attitudes Towards Migrants, and Civic Participation. Practitioners can access practical briefs on each theme, which summarize the essence of the most relevant findings, concretely identify the main challenges of integration, and provide actionable recommendations for both governments and civil society organizations. Those interested in more details, can access the full chapters of the report reviewing literature on integration policies and practices in each theme.

The repository also links up with the IMISCOE Migration Research Hub, and allows users to find academic experts through IMISCOE Expert Database. The SprING team hopes that this online platform will support practitioners in their work through evidence-based solutions to widespread challenges that newly arrived migrants and refugees face. If you have any questions and inquiries reach out to Asya Pisarevskaya via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*SprINg is a Horizon2020-funded project ‘Sustainable PRactices of INteGration for newly arrived migrants’ (2021 – 2023) https://integrationpractices.eu/  coordinated by ISMU foundation.

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