[Lecture series] “Gender and skilled migration: Histories and changing modalities” on 7th November (Mon) at 5pm Prof. Eleonore Kofman and Prof. Parvati Raghuram

The hybrid kick-off event “Gender and skilled migration: Histories and changing modalities” (Prof. Eleonore Kofman and Prof. Parvati Raghuram) will take place on the 7th of November at 5pm. The event will be organized at Goethe University Frankfurt, but you can also participate via Zoom, too.

Please register using the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0wWKsnuHdrpb0zw_-3j4RoywgkyYekcxX0l93WhxV_gGgyw/viewform 

You can see the details of the event and the series from: https://quamafa.de/upcoming-event/ 

For the details of the lecture, please check the following. We are looking forward to seeing you all!


For the hybrid kick-off event to the public lecture series “Female Skilled Labor Migration Across the Globe”, Prof. Eleonore Kofman (Middlesex University) and Prof. Parvati Raghuram (The Open University) will discuss how the field of labor migration research has evolved to consider the experiences of skilled female migrants. Despite women’s large share in global movements, the quintessential skilled migrant in many people’s minds is usually a white man, whereas women are often envisioned to follow their husbands in the latters’ global career endeavors. Prof. Kofman and Prof. Raghuram were among the first to draw attention to the neglect of women as skilled migrants . In this event, they will discuss whether or not women migrants have become more visible in public and academic discourses and how scholarship could profit from including a spotlight on the Global South.


Eleonore Kofman is Professor of Gender, Migration and Citizenship at Middlesex University since 2005. Prior to this position, she was Professor of Human Geography at Nottingham Trent University. She also serves as co-Director of the Migration and Displacement stream of the UKRI GCRF Hub – Gender, Justice and Security (2019-2024), led by the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security and co-Investigator of the project Gendered Dynamics of Labour Migrations. Her research focuses on gender and migration (especially family migrations, skilled migrations and care and social reproduction) as well as political geography, nationalism and cosmopolitanism as well as Henri Lefebvre’s urban writings.

Parvati Raghuram is Professor at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences & Global Studies at The Open University in the UK since 2005. She previously worked at Nottingham Trent University. Her research focuses on the ways in which the mobility of individuals, goods and ideas is reshaping the world, looking at the experiences of gendered workers in 'knowledge' sectors such as medicine, education and the IT sector. Her goal is to understand the implications of mobility for class and race politics and the ways in which postcolonial theory can provide a route into such thinking.

The event is part of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany)-Funded project "Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia".


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