CfP: 6th CERPE Workshop- 16 & 17 November 2023-ISCTE, Lisbon

The 6th China-Europe Research Platform on Chinese Migration to and Beyond Europe (CERPE) Workshop – “In an Era of Uncertainties and New Opportunities: Chinese Migrations in Europe” – is hosted by CIES-Iscte (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology) and CEI-Iscte (Center for International Studies) and will take place at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal on the 16-17 November 2023.


The Call for Papers is open from 16 January to 31 March 2023

Since 2003, when the EU and China formally became strategic partners, the EU’s views on the challenges and opportunities presented by China have fluctuated (Grajewski, 2020).

Currently, China is “a cooperation partner, a negotiation partner, an economic competitor and a systemic rival” (Cesluk-Grajewski, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has both exposed as well as exacerbated the entanglement of these relations (Seaman, 2020), which have been undeniably transformed at all levels.

The outbreak of the global health crisis in 2020 propelled unprecedented transformations in the Europe-China mobility patterns. After a complete stop of the in and outflows of individuals between China and Europe, mobility was resumed but still constrained by the rigid control of Chinese borders. The experience of Chinese citizens in the European region has also been dramatically affected.  Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Sinophobia has been on rise in Europe, boosted by the advance of conservative and anti-immigration forces in the last decade in the region. In fact, up until the present days, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge how Chinese and European citizens move between Asia and Europe.

However, even before the global health crisis, geopolitical events, like Brexit and the incremental implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), have already promoted changes in the mobility dynamics between China and the European countries. More recently, as the COVID-19 pandemic has barely been resolved, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine boosted a fracture of the global geopolitical landscape, fostered general uncertainties about the economic outlook, disrupted supply chains and affected energy channels in Europe. In this context, China’s “neutral” position to the invasion offers new challenges to the Sino-European relations, and consequently, to the Europe-China mobility dynamics.

Given the speed and the overlapping way in which all these events took place, it has not been yet possible for scholars working on Chinese migration and mobility to Europe to gather, to share and compare their analysis on these transformations, not as isolated events, but as a context of permanent crisis.

Against this background, the 6th CERPE workshop aims, firstly, to increase our knowledge of Chinese migrations in Europe in this context of uncertainties, but also of new opportunities. Secondly, this workshop aims at linking Chinese migration scholars in Europe and Asia, to advance the knowledge on “Chinese migrations to Europe” and solidify as well as diversify our research community. Lastly, the event intends to build bridges between general migration studies and migration researchers external to the CERPE network.



Papers should approach, but are not restricted to, the following topics:

  • Chinese migration in post-Covid-19 era
  • Socio-political change in the relationship between Europe and China, and its impacts on mobility of Chinese migrants
  • China’s diaspora policies and governance
  • Diasporic associations and media
  • Chinese transnational business networks
  • Chinese heritage schools and education
  • Chinese migrants’ social mobility and political visibility and participation
  • Intra-European onward migration
  • Privileged Chinese migrants: investors, entrepreneurs, scientists, students
  • Settlement, transitional networks, and circular mobility
  • New Chinese migrants and cultural transformation of Chinese communities
  • Chinese descendants and older migrants
  • Emerging identities

Panel proposals are not accepted.

Language of the event: English

Submission of Paper Proposal 

The 6th CERPE workshop invites interested scholars to submit a paper proposal by 31 March, 2023 to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Proposals should include a maximum 500-word abstract, a 150-word personal bio and a publication list of no more than two pages including contact information (email, mobile number, WeChat/WhatsApp).

 Important dates

Paper proposal submission by 31 March, 2023

The confirmation of participation will be sent by 1 June, 2023.

Invitation letters for participants who need a visa will be sent by 15 June, 2023.

Format of the workshop 


The workshop is organized in thematic sessions, which are planned as followed:

1)  Keynote Speakers (20 minutes)

2) Paper presentations (15 minutes for each)

3)  Plenum discussions (15 minutes)


Find out more here.


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