SC EduSocial at the IMISCOE Conference 2023

The Standing Committee Education and Social Inequality is involved in a number of sessions at the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2022 in Oslo - below is a list. We look forward to interesting papers and debates! We want to highlight especially the hybrid open session on Tuesday, July 4, 18:30 - 19:30, as an opportunity to get to know the SC and its members, to exchange and jointly discuss our future agenda. The room and webex link will be announced on the conference website.


EduSocial Sessions at the IMISCOE conference

Educational attainment and discrimination.   
Mon July 3, 13:00 - 14:30. Room: 1110

Experiences, well-being and aspirations of young (potential) migrants.
Mon July 3, 14:50 - 16:20. Room: 1152

Transitions to work/employment through migration.
Tue July 4, 09:00 - 10:30. Online

Transnational education at the micro and meso level. Actors, inequalities, and networks among migrants in Germany.
Tue July 4, 10:50 - 12:20. Online

Institutions, educational opportunities and in/exclusion.
Tue July 4, 16:40 - 18:10. Room: 2014

Perpetuation and transmission of racist discriminatory thought patterns in teacher education.
Tue July 4, 16:40 - 18:10. Online

Critical perspectives on university education – an antiracist and decolonial approach.
Wed July 5, 09:00 - 10:30. Room: 3110.

International student mobility and migrants in higher education (Part 1): Structural and formal aspects.
Wed July 5, 09:00 - 10:30. Online

Racism, anti-racism and decolonization of Higher Education: Students and academics’ experiences.
Wed July 5, 10:50 - 12:20. Room: 3110

Challenges and strategies for the dynamic integration of refugee and migrant children: Insights and reflections from the H2020 REFUGE-ED project in Bulgaria, Italy and Spain.
Wed July 5, 10:50 - 12:20. Online

International student mobility and migrants in higher education (Part 2): Lived experiences.
Wed July 5, 10:50 - 12:20.Online

More than a desk in a classroom: Migrant children and educational inequalities.
Wed July 5, 14:50 - 16:20. Room: 1158

International student mobility to “off-beat” destinations.
Wed July 5, 14:50 - 16:20. Room: 3017

The Experiences of Stigma and Coping among Marginalised Students in Southeast Asian Countries.
Wed July 5, 14:50 - 16:20. Online

A never-ending crisis? Understanding international student mobility/migration in the framework of ‘unsettling events.’
Wed July 5, 16:40 - 18:10. Room: 1158

From theory to practice: Fostering migrant children rights to education. A comparison among countries in a learning-by-sharing perspective.
Wed July 5, 16:40 - 18:10. Online

The role of education for (intergenerational) social mobility and inclusion.
Wed July 5, 16:40 - 18:10. Online

Refugee education.
Thu July 6, 09:00 - 10:30. Room: 3045

Determinants, experiences, and outcomes of social inequalities in international student mobility in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thu July 6, 09:00 - 10:30. Online
International student mobility: Actors, institutions, experiences.
Thu July 6, 10:50 - 12:20. Room: 1110
Unequal transitions? Social inequalities in education and education-to-work transitions of young migrants in Europe.
Thu July 6, 10:50 - 12:20. Room: 3045
The inclusion of refugee youth in educational systems.
Thu July 6, 10:50 - 12:20. Online.

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