SC EduSocial webinar – Learning about the publishing process!

IMISCOE SC EduSocial webinar – Learning about the publishing process!
22 May 2024, 12.30am-13.30pm (CET)
Meet the Editor: Sanam Roohi, Comparative Migration Studies (CMS)  
Why publishing? 
In the last decades, academia has been going through intense transformations. In this context, pressure to increase the number of publications has escalated. Publishing has become crucial for academic career advancement, as increasingly universities and research institutions use publications to measure scholars’ merit and excellence. Publishing in peer-review international scholarly journals, however, is one of the main channels to communicate the information that we have found in our research. It also contributes to open a dialogue with our academic community and to expand your field of knowledge. Furthermore, the peer review process gives us important feedback on the quality of your research approach and can offer you valuable insight on the next steps for advancing your work.
How to publish?
There’s no unique formula for getting published. In general, reviewers' and editors’ expectations vary both between and within journal areas. Moreover, as a multistep process, publishing covers many formalities that in many cases might not be so clear and well-known by scholars, especially, PhD students and early career researchers. In the context of rising rejection rates, writing and submitting a paper to a journal turns into an uptight and frustrating activity for authors. However, some good practices help to structure a paper and to navigate the submission process.
Overview of the webinar
This webinar aims to help PhD students and early-career researchers to learn more about the different stages of the publication process, and offer some guidelines on how to plan writing and publication methods. An overview of the peer review process will be presented, covering some of its main challenges and pitfalls.
Who can join the SC EduSocial workshop?
The session is an open and free-of-cost initiative of the IMISCOE SC EduSocial for PhD students and early career researchers. Scholars at any level are also welcome to attend. Please register here. The link will be sent to participants in due time before the event.
Sanam Roohi is an associate fellow at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (KWI), Essen and serves as the co-editor in chief of Comparative Migration Studies. Her research focuses on social-spatial mobility linkages, embodied migration infrastructures, the transnational political economy of care, and their impact on caste- and religious-inflected communal formations within South Asia and its diasporas. Roohi has published extensively on these topics and is currently working on a book project examining the pursuit of the ‘American Dream’ by South Asian tech professionals and the reproduction of caste in the US.  Throughout her career, Roohi has been awarded various fellowships, including the KWI International Fellowship (2023), Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2020-2023), Marie Curie COFUND Fellowship (2018 - August 2020), and SSRC InterAsia Fellowship (2018). She was a visiting research fellow at the University of Sussex’s School of Global Studies in 2022. Previously, Roohi worked as an assistant professor at St. Joseph’s University, Bangalore (2016 – 2018). She actively contributes as a working group leader of the COST Action European Network on International Student Mobility (ENIS) and is a member of various academic associations including IMISCOE.  
The webinar is organized by the SC EduSocial and led by Thais França. Thais is an integrated researcher at CIES-Iscte, Portugal and part of the EduSocial coordination. Following a decolonial approach, her main research focuses are gender and race inequalities in migration and mobility dynamics. She also organizes the SC EduSocial on-line writing retreats. If you have any questions, drop her a line: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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