Greetings to All Participants of the 2024 IMISCOE Annual Conference

We extend a warm welcome to each of you on behalf of the Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality!

As advocates committed to addressing the complex interplay of education and social inequality within migration contexts, we're excited to present our lineup of diverse and thought-provoking panels for this year's conference.

Here's a preview of what you can expect from our committee:

On-site Panels:

  • Indigenous and Displaced Populations in Higher Education

  • Educational Inequality or Inclusion: Identity, Health, and Digitalisation

Online Panels:

  • Refugee Inclusion in Education

  • Higher Education and Student Mobility

  • Educational Challenges in Specific Transnational Contexts

  • Diversity and Inclusion in Education: Institutional Attitudes

These panels underscore our dedication to exploring a wide range of perspectives, fostering inclusivity, and advancing knowledge within the field of migration studies.

Stay tuned for further updates. We look forward to seeing you from 2nd to 5th July 2024, both in Lisbon and online.


Warm regards,

Elif, Christine, Jens, Nubin, Thais, Yao & Zehra

Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality

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