Call for Papers for Final Workshop: Migration and Democratic Diffusion (MIGRADEMO)

Call for paper for the Final Workshop of MIGRADEMO "Migration and Democratic Diffusion" which will take place on November 21-22, 2024 in Barcelona

The question of how international migration impacts political processes and developments in countries of origin has gained traction over the past years. Yet, the research agenda on these issues is still evolving, questioning the main mechanisms and processes across an increasing number of cases, and a broadening of the methodological toolkit. Within the MIGRADEMO project, we are exploring these processes across a series of work packages, including the impact of return migration, financial and social remittances, and the emigrant vote. We are keen to establish a dialogue, explore common ground, and identify new synergies with other ongoing research across various methodologies and cases. 

We invite papers with novel approaches and/or empirical research on the political impact of migration in countries of origin including (but not limited to) the following themes: 

- The impact of return migration, as well as financial and social remittances, on political attitudes and behaviour in countries of origin. 
- The impact of migration on local politics and governance in countries of origin.
- Migration, political (re)socialization, and engagement with politics in the country of origin (including the emigrant vote). 
- Drivers and obstacles to migration-related processes of diffusion in countries of origin.

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Peggy Levitt, Professor of Sociology, Wellesley College 
  • Covadonga Meseguer Yebra, Professor of International Politics and Economics, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Abstract submission deadline (300-500 words): June 26, 2024. Please submit your abstract here.

Notification of acceptance: July 8, 2024. Paper submission deadline: November 8, 2024. 

Selected papers will be considered for a special issue in a leading international journal.

Travel expenses and accommodation (according to UAB regulations).

For any further questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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