Call for Expressions of Interest - positions within SC Families, welfare, care and the life course

Deadline: 27.09.2024

The newly-formed Standing Committee (SC) on Families, Welfare, Care and the Life Course was approved at a meeting of the IMISCOE Board of Directors on 17th April 2024.

The SC objectives are to:

  1. Draw wider attention in migration studies to the inter-connections between families, welfare and care, and their changing contexts.
  2. Advance a life-course perspective in migration studies, by facilitating dialogue between scholars working on different life-course phases and transitions.
  3. Contribute to local, national and international policy debates on welfare and care as they relate to migrants and their families, advocating for interventions to mitigate social risks across the migratory life-course.
  4. Facilitate the career development of the next generation of researchers working in these fields.
  5. Promote the inclusion of researchers from under-represented regions (Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Global South) and create more synergies between scholars based in different regions of the world.
  6. Develop joint publications, collaborative projects and applications for funding.

Following a well-attended inaugural meeting of the standing committee at the IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon, we are now looking for people to become involved with the SC in a more formal way, as co-leads of thematic working groups, as PhD and ECR representatives, and in social media roles. If you are interested in one of these positions, please complete a short Expression of Interest (EOI) form at this link:

Further information about the SC’s rationale and governance, and its thematic working groups, can be found in this document: This document may be useful to consult when completing the EOI form; however, the scope of the advertised roles and working groups is not set in stone, and we welcome your ideas.

If you have any questions, please contact the SC coordinators Alistair Hunter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tineke Fokkema This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is Friday 27th September 2024.

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