Call for Proposals "Whither categorisation? State logics and the practices of bordering"

Dear migration researchers,
Hannah Bowman (Trinity College Dublin) and I (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) are preparing to co-submit a proposal for an in-person panel at the IMISCOE 2025 summer conference in Paris. More details about the conference can be found here
We are collecting abstracts for paper submissions to submit with the panel proposal until the 6th of September. If you or anyone you know may be interested in being part of the panel, please email abstracts (250 words max) with your institutional affiliation, to Hannah Bowman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in cc before 17:00 CET on 06/09/24. 
Please feel free to share this call widely and see below for an overview of the panel that we are proposing. Just for transparency, we are expecting to have to adjust the panel abstract to better reflect the paper abstracts that we receive. Additionally, we can only include a limited number of abstracts in the proposal, but we will get back to anyone who sends us an abstract by the 18th of September to allow time to submit an individual paper to the same conference.

Panel Title: Whither categorisation? State logics and the practices of bordering


Panel abstract: 

In this panel, the presenters take up the need to decentre migration studies research by making a careful shift in the object of study. They make categorisations of migrants and the state logics that underpin them the objects of critical reflection. The aim is that, by making the assumptions implicit in categorisation regimes explicit and unpacking the logics we rely on to make sense of our research field, we can address the danger that we, as researchers - for the sake of convenience, perceived relevance or funding streams - strengthen, further or even create the tools of border regimes. In this panel, the papers speak to these broader issues in a multitude of ways and are not confined to any one line of enquiry.

Looking forward to seeing your abstracts!
Kind regards,
Eva Fortes

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