UNIC – MiReKoc International Summer School 2025

Application Deadline: March 3, 2025

We are delighted to announce the MiReKoc-UNIC International Summer School 2025, scheduled for 14-25 July 2025 at Koç University Rumelifeneri Campus in Istanbul, Türkiye. This year’s theme, “Beyond Borders: Health, Migration, and Diversity in an Interconnected World,” will explore the intersections of migration, diversity, health, and well-being, in collaboration with the Erasmus+ European Universities Project “UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition” (unic.eu)

Superdiversity refers to the complex and dynamic interplay of multiple dimensions of diversity within a given population, including factors such as ethnicity, language, nationality, legal status, gender, and socioeconomic background. In the context of migration, superdiversity highlights the varied and multifaceted experiences of migrants who may encounter different challenges and opportunities in their host societies. The difficult experiences (challenges) can significantly impact their health and wellbeing, as migrants often face barriers to healthcare access, discrimination in the provision of services, and economic instability. At the same time, the diverse backgrounds and resources that migrants bring can also foster resilience, social networks, and community support, contributing to positive health outcomes. Therefore, addressing health and well-being concerns in superdiverse populations, including both migrants’ experiences, state policies and numerous interventions, requires a holistic and inclusive approach, recognizing the intersectionality of migration experiences and tailoring interventions to meet the needs of diverse migrant groups while promoting social inclusion and integration.

Besides hosting prominent scholars and the possibility to engage with a diverse network of peers sharing neighbouring academic concerns, the program also includes interaction with different societal partners (such as NGOs, IOs, policy makers etc.) and field trips to relevant locations in the city. During the summer school, participants will seek answers to the following questions:

  • How can we approach health and wellbeing with a superdiversity lens?
  • What are health challenges in superdiverse societies?
  • What are different challenges faced by migrants with regards to health and well-being?
  • How can health and well-being related challenges of migration be addressed?
  • What are the roles of different actors and institutions in addressing challenges and disseminating good practices?
  • How can creative methodologies be employed to research and address health and well-being related concerns of migration?
  • How can healthcare systems better accommodate migrants’ needs?
  • What examples of successful research methodologies (engaged research, etc) can be applied to this context?
  • How can community-driven approaches improve health outcomes for migrants?
  • More details concerning the program will be announced soon.

The main objective of the Summer School is to encourage collective experience for early career scholars and professionals. The language of the Summer School is English. The programme includes two weeks of lectures, lab sessions and discussion sessions which will be led by distinguished international faculty members and experts in the field. The participants will have the chance of sharing their research agendas and ideas with these scholars in an interactive environment. An academic presentation and the submission of an original research paper of at least 4.000 words is required from all participants. A certificate of participation will be provided upon successful completion of the program. On demand, students will be provided 3 ECTS course credits.

Application Deadline: March 3, 2025

For students coming from the IMISCOE network: Tuition fee for the students affiliated with these institutions will be reduced by 35%.

More details on the application and programme here: https://miss.ku.edu.tr/summer-school/summer-school-2025/


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