Join the seminar session on Thursday 6 February from 9:30am to 12:30pm at the Mucem Lab in Fort Saint-Jean (MUCEM, Marseille), Khamsin Room.
This is a special session organised jointly by two of the Centre Norbert Elias's thematic areas (Chantiers féministes and Mobilités et appartenances), which share an interest in the issue of mobility and gender relations.
We will be welcoming sociologist Nina Sahraoui (PRINTEMPS/CNRS), who will be presenting her research with women migrants at the borders of Melilla/Ceuta (Spain) and Mayotte (France). Based on the issue of access to maternity care for women in precarious administrative situations, we will look at the ambiguous relationship between healthcare and migration control in contexts of repressive migration governance.
For practical matters only, you can register here: ici
We look forward to seeing you next week!
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