Call for Papers: Edited volume: Diversity of Migration in South East Europe (working title)

Within the last 25 years migration patterns in South East Europe have profoundly changed. Borders have disappeared; new borders have brought both new migration possibilities and new restrictions. Emigration as a strategy of searching new job opportunities and a better life has been a continuous phenomenon in all South East European transition countries and it has left its imprints on societies on many levels. In the 90ies, the wars forced people to move and in many cases the situation of refugees and IDPs in the post-conflict countries of former Yugoslavia has remained unresolved until today.

Internal migration from rural to urban areas is an issue that has been changing the structure of societies in all South East European countries. And with a stronger communitarization of migration politics, the EU has become an important actor influencing and regulating migration in its south-eastern neighbourhood. At the same time the region has become a space of transit migration and immigration for migrants from outside Europe.

In the edited volume we aim to discuss these concurrent migration movements, their sources and consequences: How do the diverse migration movements affect societies in South East Europe? How can new forms of migration and changes in mobility patterns be explained? How are different migration movements and their impacts interrelated? And how can we deal with this diversity from a theoretical point of view?

Papers discussing current forms of migration inside South East Europe (SEE), its reasons and its impacts, from the perspective of different social science disciplines are very much welcome. Contributions may include (but are not limited to) the following forms of migration:

  • emigration and its social, political, cultural and economic consequences:
  • remittances
  • consequences for vulnerable groups
  • gender aspects
  • brain drain/brain circulation
  • return migration
  • circular migration
  • internal migration
  • migration between SEE countries
  • SEE countries as a transit space for international migration to Western Europe
  • immigration to SEE
  • irregular migration
  • asylum seekers, refugees
  • IDPs
  • trafficking
  • sex-work
  • relations between different forms of migration

We especially invite contributions from young researchers (PhD students and recent PhDs). The RRPP is coordinated and operated by the Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE) at the University

of Fribourg (Switzerland). The programme is fully funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Please send your abstracts by October 15, 2014 via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject line “Call for papers – RRPP joint volume on migration in SEE”.

Abstracts of no more than 450 words (ca. 1 page) should include the title, the author(s) name and institutional affiliation and contact details. Abstracts shall clearly state the aims of the paper, the methodology used, the theoretical orientation including literature as well as the main results and conclusions. The editors will ask the authors of selected papers (max. 6-8’000 words) (max. 15-20 pages) to submit their final articles no later than March 15, 2015.


Editors: Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Adnan Efendic, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirjam Zbinden, University of Fribourg, Switzerland


The edited volume will be published in the series "Interdisciplinary studies on Central and Eastern Europe" at Peter Lang Academic Publishing, Switzerland.

Deadline for abstracts: 15.10.2014

Selection of abstracts by editors/decisions out: 15.11.2014

Deadline for papers: 15.03.2015


Note: once papers are submitted they will be reviewed and authors might be asked to revise their submissions in a given period of time.


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