Call for Workshop Proposals: 18th Nordic Migration Conference

Nordic Migration Research invites proposals for workshops to be held during the 18th Nordic Migration conference entitled 'Migration and social inequality: Global perspectives – new boundaries', which will take place at the University of Oslo, Norway during August 11-12, 2016.

We invite proposals for either single-session workshops or double-session workshops, each session lasting 1,5 hours. Single-session workshops should include 3-4 presentations, while double-session workshops should include 6-8 paper presentations. We welcome thematic workshop proposals from across all disciplinary fields focusing on a wide range of topics that are relevant for scholars of international migration and ethnic relations. Workshop organizers will in cooperation with the conference organizing committee be responsible for selecting which papers will be presented in each workshop. Deadline for workshop proposals is November 15th2015.

To propose a workshop, contact Melina Røe <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>


Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Professor Min Zhou, University of California, Los Angeles

Dr Ruben Andersson, London School of Economics

Professor Tjitske Akkerman, University of Amsterdam

Global inequalities between countries and regions in terms of income, security, rights, and living conditions are today driving increasing numbers of people into crossing international borders in search of personal safety, economic opportunities and better future prospects. At the same time, social inequality is sharply on the rise within societies across the globe, as traditional structures of work and welfare are rearranged and/or dismantled. In an increasingly globalized world, boundaries of class, nationality, ethnicity, gender and legal statuses are intersecting in new ways, giving rise to changing and new dimensions of inequality within and between both migrant sending and migrant receiving societies. In this conference we wish to explore the diverse links between international migration and social inequality, in a Nordic, European and global context. We invite scholars from across disciplinary boundaries to engage in a discussion of how these changes can be conceptualized and studied, from a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives. Contributions are welcomed that reflect on how economic, political, cultural and social factors in origin and destination countries affect migration and shape diverse societies. We welcome papers which discuss how issues such as global inequalities, states policies, legal frameworks, media discourses and cultural boundaries shape the dynamics of migration and migrants’ everyday experiences.

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