Call for Papers: IMISCOE Conference (Research Panel session on “Migrations to Rural Areas”)

Most migration research has focused on cities. However, we observe increasing reinforcement in migrant employment in agriculture and in other activities thriving in rural regions (animal farming, fruit and vegetable processing and packaging, fishing, tourism and leisure for urbanities). Driven by labour force demands which are not being met by the native‐born population, migrants are also moving to rural areas. The seasonality that characterizes many of the agricultural and tourism activities and the precariousness of contractual conditions (temporary employment, for example) may force migrant workers to an increased mobility either between the home country and several international destinations, or inside the host country.

These patterns and flows are influenced by citizenship and legal status with relevant differences between workers holding an EU passport (e.g. Romanians, Polish or Bulgarians) and third‐country nationals (Africans, Asians and South Americans). All this is set against a background of growing competition from cheaper products imported from other continents and a growing concern among European consumers with food safety and ethics involving food production. This should give us food for thought about the living and working conditions of many foreign wage labourers in rural areas in EU countries as well as about the dynamics of migration and settlement associated with migration flows to rural areas.

In this panel session we would like to address these issues, inviting contributions on, but not limited to the following themes:

  • impacts at the local level of the presence of migrants in rural areas looking at the labour market, housing conditions or social relations;
  • public discourses and policy responses to the labour market needs in agriculture (and related activities) and tourism in a context of very high unemployment rates, especially in Southern European countries;
  • changes in flows between countries or inside a country and modification of settlement patterns related to flows to rural areas.


Presentations may provide for conceptual issues, case studies or preliminary results from ongoing research on the topic.

Please send your abstracts (máx. 250 words) until the 15th January to: Alina Esteves, IGOT, Universidade of Lisboa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Sónia Pereira, IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Confirmation of acceptance to the panel will be sent on the 31st January.

The 13th IMISCOE conference 'Migration & Development' takes place in Prague, 30th June‐2nd July 2016.

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