Call for Partners: ERASMUS + Programme (Last Day!)

Cesvi is searching for partners willing to join the project “Inclusive schools for inclusive communities” to be submitted under the ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 2 - Strategic partnerships in the field of school education, within the deadline 31st March 2016. The project focuses on tackling early school leaving of children with a migrant background as a key strategy to build an inclusive Europe. Only concerned and interested partner organizations, are invited to submit their interest to take part by 23rd February 2016.

Project title: “Inclusive schools for inclusive communities”

The context

Following the last violent and dramatic events that Europe has faced in the past months and years, that are related to radicalisation and extremism, the project proposal aims to tackle the issue of early school leaving among learners with a migrant background (11-16) by analysing and “understand” formal and non-formal factors that link cultural identity and school drop-out and the interiorization of European values. The Paris Declaration of 17 March 2015 is a powerful statement, providing a welcome imperative for Member States to act in order to strengthen the role of intercultural dialogue in education and learning environments. This is required in order to adequately address current concerns as well as to lay down the foundations for building the strong, confident, resilient and cohesive communities of the future (Report on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values , Committee on Culture and Education, 2015).

The needs addressed

Schools across Europe are seeing a rise in the number of learners with a migrant background born and raised in a different country. According to the policy “Enhancing EU Education Policy: Building a Framework to Help Young People of Migrant Background Succeed”, produced by the SIRIUS Network in collaboration with MPI Europe, learners with a migrant background face the most urgent needs in Europe’s education systems. Learners with a migrant background are generally at greater risk of leaving the education and training system without having obtained an upper secondary qualification. In such a vision and according to the schools policy “A whole school approach to tackling early school leaving” (DG Education and Culture, 2015), schools have a crucial role to play to ensure that all learners reach their full potential for growth irrespective of individual and family-related factors, socio-economic status and life experiences.

The project

The project aims to promote a more inclusive education approach to tackle early school leaving and lead to a decrease in the achievement gap between learners with and without a migrant background. Through transnational peer learning, analysis of case studies, mapping of school experiences and of practices to support learners, dialogue with experts, and in-depth country-focused research, the project will carry out a comparative analysis targeting schools with high density of learners with a migrant background in all participating countries, in order to identify the factors and conditions associated with dropout of students aged 11-16 years old on a transnational level (with a focus on learners with a migrant background). On the basis of the results achieved, the consortium will develop guidelines on holistic and collaborative approaches to tackle early school leaving of migrant children as a key strategy to build an inclusive Europe. Furthermore, through the development of a dedicated online learning platform for inclusive education and early school leaving, the project will provide a wider audience of teachers and practitioners with key competences and a wealth of resources to promote educational success and prevent early school leaving.

Cesvi expertise on intercultural education

During its 30 years long activity, Cesvi has been working in most of the Countries where the migrants residing in Europe come from.
Since its foundation (1985) Cesvi has been promoting in Italy educational programmes with a special focus on intercultural and global citizenship issues to provide teachers with skills and tools to face intercultural diversity in their school environment.
From 2011 Cesvi started working on migration and co-development in Italy as well with a growing contact with migrants communities. Integration, participation and awareness are the grounds of our activities.

General objective

To contribute to decrease early school leaving (ESL) in Europe of learners with a migrant background

Specific objectives

Targeted schools strengthen their inclusiveness and effectiveness towards learners with a migrant background

Expected results

  • Identified and analysed current factors and conditions associated with dropout and school leaving of students aged 11-16 years old, targeting schools with high density of migrants in all participating countries.
  • Developed, tested, and adapted holistic and inclusive approaches to tackle and prevent ESL affecting particularly learners with a migrant background.
  • Developed Open Educational Resources (OER) equipping a wider audience of teachers with key competences and learning materials related to tackle and prevent ESL of learners with disadvantaged backgrounds in Europe.
  • Consortium: increased capacity to cooperate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and approaches to tackle ESL at EU level.

Target groups

  • At least 100/150 secondary schools in all participating countries (to be confirmed according to the final partnership composition), involved in the development, testing and validation of innovative approaches to tackle and prevent early school leaving in multicultural learning communities.

Final beneficiaries

  • Teachers from secondary schools from multicultural learning communities with high school drop-out rates.
  • Learners who are at higher risk of dropping out, particularly learners with a migrant background.

Work plan

The project consists of N.7 Working Packages (WPs):

  • WP0_Management
  • WP1_Analysis
  • WP2_Pilot: Ways for integration
  • WP3_New models based on equity and integration
  • WP4_ Open educational resources
  • WP5_ Dissemination and exploitation
  • WP6_Quality assurance

The partnership

  • Applicant organization: Italy, Cesvi onlus,
  • Partner: CIDI Centro di Iniziativa Democratica degli Insegnanti di Milano,
  • Other interested partner organizations from EU countries

A participating organisation can be any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country, working in the field of school education Such organization can be:

  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
  • a public body at local, regional or national level;
  • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, industry, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
  • a research institute;
  • a foundation;

Each partner will be responsible of:

  • Ensuring cooperation with the applicant organization throughout the project.
  • Contributing actively to WPs implementation at both local level and international level.

All detailed tasks/roles will be further agreed according to the final partnership composition and related expertise of each partner organization.

The budget

Maximum grant awarded: a variable amount up to 450 000 EUR for projects with duration of 36 months. The budget will be developed in a coherent and balanced way according to the final partnership composition and according to related responsibilities within each WP.


To be defined: from 24 to 36 months.

Registration and participant identification code (PIC)

Before being able to apply to any Erasmus+ call for proposal, all beneficiaries (coordinator and partners) should have a PIC number. If a PIC is not yet available, an organisation shall register in the Participant Portal:

Erasmus+ Programme Guide

To become a partner

In order to take part, please find the attached the PARTNER PROFILE to be filled in and sent back duly completed to: by 23rd February 2016 the latest.

Upon a reciprocal confirmation, Cesvi will send the MANDATE to be signed and sent in scanned copy.

Skype: simona.ghezzi
+39 035 2058035

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