Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam launch new MSc. program on the Governance of Migration and Diversity

As of September 2016, a new master program will be launched: "Governance of Migration and Diversity." The master involves a cooperation of Erasmus University Rotterdam (including the The Hague based Institute for Social Studies), Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. See: 


Migration and diversity are key factors in one of the most fundamental transformations of society ever. This transformation involves not just migrants, but involves society at large. Migration and diversity play a key role in almost any domain of today’s society, at many different levels and in very different types of organizations. They play a role in education, housing, labour, international relations, they are on the agenda of the United Nations, the European Union, the national-level but increasingly also the local level and even the neighbourhood level, and they are addressed not only by governments but also by businesses, international organizations, research institutes and non-governmental organisations.  

This master integrates knowledge from various disciplines with a focus on how various organisations can respond to the opportunities and challenges offered by migration and diversity. It brings together history, sociology, politics, international development and urbanism as a foundation for a better understanding of the governance of migration and diversity. It addresses questions such as how can migration patterns be identified, and what are the opportunities for the management of migration flows? How have societies changed in terms of (ethnic/cultural/religious) diversity? How to incorporate newcomers into host societies? How to prevent discrimination and to promote contact and cohesion in culturally diverse societies? 

The multi-disciplinary design of this master trains students to be all round experts that are able to analyse and assess migration and diversity from multiple angles and work on these issues in diverse settings. This design is also manifest in the structure of the master, with courses provided by leading experts from the various disciplines at Erasmus University Rotterdam (including the Institute for Social Studies in the Hague), Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. The cooperation between these universities, which are at close proximity of each other (max. 1h travel), provides a unique combination of expertise within a single master. Besides a general part with disciplinary courses that all students in this master will follow, students can choose from four tracks: history (Leiden University), Sociology, Public Policy (both Erasmus University) and International Relations & Development (ISS, The Hague). The general and the track-specific parts both make up for 50% of the master. 

More information click here.

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