Max Planck Research Groups - Announcement 2016/17

The Max Planck Society has just announced the call for leaders of independent Research Groups. With this call for applications, MPG und Technische Universität München (TUM) combine their respective career opportunities to a highly attractive career option for international top talents:

Successful candidates will be offered a Max Planck Research Group Leader position accompanied by the excellent research conditions in a Max Planck Institute, and additionally - in case of interest - also the opportunity to apply for a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at TUM with doctorate granting rights and career options via Associate to Full Professor according to the TUM Faculty Tenure Track system. This offer is independent of the location of a chosen Max Planck Institute.

The successful candidates will be offered a Max Planck Research Group for a period of five years at a participating Max Planck Institute of their own choice. This includes a W2 position equivalent to assistant or associate professor level and additional resources for research positions, budget, and investments. The cumulative amount of funding is competitive with top class start-up packages of international career development programs. Start of funding is in 2017, with a lead time of up to three months.

Excellent research and teaching is irrespective of gender. However, the MPG and the TUM still lack female scientists and hereby explicitly welcome applications from highly skilled women in all disciplines. The MPG and the TUM Munich Dual Career Office provide support for dual career couples and families.

The selection procedure is designed as a two-stage process. At first step, the MPG evaluates the candidates according to the regulations applicable for Max Planck Research Group Leader positions (see below). At second stage, interested candidates have to pass the entry evaluation in the TUM Faculty Tenure Track process at TUM. Prerequisite to be appointed to Assistant Professor is a Max Planck Research Group Leader position to be offered by the MPG.

Applications are submitted according to the regulations specified below. Candidates who intend to be appointed to Tenure Track Assistant Professor are invited to notify that fact in the application form.

The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is committed to support Open Access on all levels. We therefore ask applicants to highlight in their list of publications all items which are freely available in an open access repository or on a journal’s website.

The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and the Technische Universität München are committed to equal opportunities and to employing individuals with disabilities, and explicitly encourage them to apply.

The deadline for application is October 26, 2016.

Important information about the application procedure:

The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft operates over 80 Max Planck Institutes and Research Facilities divided into three Sections: Chemistry, Physics and Technology (CPT), Biology and Medicine (BM), and the Humanities and Social Sciences (H).  The three Sections have separate application modalities. Applicants are therefore asked to first and foremost identify the Section(s) in which the possible host institute(s) closest to their own field of expertise are located. More information about the MPG Sections and their allocated Max Planck Institutes can be found here. In case you are interested in several alternative institutes located in different Sections, and you cannot decide on a suitable Section for your evaluation, you may apply in each appropriate Section separately.

Please then follow the Section-specific application instructions which you find on the start page of the respective application database.

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