CfP research group Discrimination in Cross-National Perspective

Workshop/ panel organised at the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference Barcelona, 2‐4 July 2018
Title: Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Cross‐National Perspective
Organizers: Rosita Fibbi, Arnfinn H. Midtbøen, Patrick Simon

Recent meta‐analyses have documented the pervasive and persisting character of discrimination against immigrants and their descendants in Europe and the US. Many studies concentrate on discrimination in access to the labour market; yet discrimination appears also in a variety of other social spheres such as housing, education, access to services or interaction with police and justice. Discrimination represents a major challenge both to the normative principle of equality and raises the question of the policies addressing effectively this issue in order to pursue the objective of social cohesion in multicultural European societies.

Download the pdf for the Call for Papers.


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