Where: Panel organized at the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Barcelona, 2 - 4 July 2018
Christine Lang (MPI Göttingen, Germany), Andreas Pott (IMIS/Osnabrück University, Germany), Kyoko Shinozaki (Salzburg University, Austria)
Migration and the incorporation of im/migrants and their descendants are shaped by organisations in multiple ways. This includes e.g. public administrations deciding upon the access to legal status and various resources or the exclusion from it, international organisations and border agencies monitoring, controlling or trying to prevent cross-border mobility. Organisations can be for-profit and non-profit, they can enable or constrain im/migrants and their descendants accessing, for example, education, employment and political participation.
Despite their significance for migration and incorporation processes, organisations have received surprisingly little interest in migration research (e.g. Bommes 2003, Pries 2010, Bührmann & Schönwälder 2017). Research usually concentrates either on the macro-level of migration and integration policies or on the micro-level of migrants’ experiences, agency and trajectories while the meso-level remains relatively understudied.
This panel aims at exploring the potential of an organisational lens in migration research. We welcome conceptual and empirical contributions focusing the role of organisations and their specific rationalities in shaping migration, mobility and im/migrant incorporation processes. The panel seeks to discuss aspects such as: How do organisations react to migration/mobility and how is migration/mobility produced by organisational practices? How do organisations translate policies into practice? In what ways do organisational practices affect the trajectories and inclusion of migrants and immigrant descendants? How do organisations produce knowledge about migration/mobility and migrants? How do the practices of mobile subjects and discourses of mobilities affect the organisational fields?
Please send your abstract (max. 250 words) no later than 10 December 2017 to Christine Lang (